1730. |
An Act for the Relief of Thomas Worley, Benjamin Freeman, John
John Cornelius, Thomas Howard, Thomas Jacks, John
Nicholson, and
James Mackintosh, languishing Prisoners in Ann-Arundel
County Goal; Thomas
Palmer, a languishing Prisoner in the Goal of
the City of Annapolis;
William Gray, Thomas Davis, John Smith, and Anthony
Onealis, languishing
Prisoners in Prince George's County Goal;
and John Libby, and
Alice Macklin, languishing Prisoners in Talbot
County Goal. Lib. L. Nº 5.
fol. 371. PR.
Passed 16th
June 1730. |
An Act to record and make valid in law, a Deed from John Watmore,
to a certain
William Dare the Father, and Sale to be made
of certain Lands therein
mentioned, by the surviving Executor of William
Dare the Son. Lib. L.
Nº 5. fol. 377. PR.
Ditto. |
An Act to enable the Clerk of Dorchester COunty to deliver
a Deed of Bargain
and Sale, from the Heir of Henry Bray to William
Cornwallis, unto Richard
Bennet, Esq; and to enable the Clerk of Queen-Anne's
County to deliver a
Deed of Sale from the Heir of John Jones to the
said Cornwallis, unto the
Clerk of Dorchester County, and to enable him
to record the same. Lib. L.
Nº 5. fol. 379. PR.
Ditto. |
An ACt for cutting off the Entail, and investing an Estate of Inheritance
in Fee-simple,
of a Tract of Land called Exeter, in Henry
Wharton of St. Mary's
County, Gent. and his Wife; and to entail other Lands,
lying in St. Mary's
County, in lieu thereof. Lib. L. Nº
5. fol. 381. PR.
Ditto. |
An Act to ascertain the Fees of Practitioners if the Law within
this Province;
and to prevent Extortions, Frauds, and Abuses therein.
Lib. L. Nº 5. fol.
Proclamation for Publication of the
Dissent issued 18th May 1731. Recorded Lib. P. L. Nº
fol. 518.
Ditto. |
A Supplementary ACT to the Act, entitled, * An Act for the
Establishment of Religious Worship in this Province,
to the Church of England, and for the Maintainance
of Ministers.
Lib. L. Nº 5. fol. 389.
Ditto. |
WHEREAS by the Act, entitled, * An Act for the Establishment of
Religious Worship in this Province, according to the Church of England,
and for the Maintainance of Ministers, select Vestries in each
Parish of this Province are directed to be chosen, in the Manner and
the Qualifications mentioned by the said Act, and Two new Vestry-men annually
chosen, in the Place of Two others, who should be left out; but that
no Provision is made by the said Act, for obliging such Person or persons
should be chosen, by virtue of the aforesaid Act, as a Vestry-man
or Vestry-men,
to serve and act in the Duty and Office of a Vestry-man or Vestry-men,
nor any Directions prescribed by the said Act, in what Order or Method
Two Vestry-men, directed by the said Act to be annually left out, should
so left out:
II. Be it Enacted,
the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by and with
the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and the Upper
and Lower
Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the same, That if any
Person or Persons
shall, after this Session of Assembly, be chosen and elected, by virtue
the aforesaid Act, as a Vestry-man or Vestry-men in any Parish of this
and being so chosen or elected, shall (after convenient Notice thereof
to him or them given, by the Register of the respective Parish or Parishes |
Preamble, setting
forth the
Defects of the
original Act.
Penalty on
Persons elected
refuse or neglect
(on Notice)
to qualify,
&c. |