1729. |
really and bonâ fide due and owing to such Creditor or
Creditors: And that if
the Debt shall be due upon Account, or Book Debt, that then the Creditor
shall prove such Account, and how much thereof shall be due as aforesaid;
which Account and Probate shall be lodged with the respective Clerks, before
any Attachment shall issue.
V. And whereas,
has often happened that several Persons have heretofore
secretly made over unto their Creditors, or pretended Creditors, or give
their Own Children or Others, sundry Goods and Chattels, and yet kept the
same in their own Possession, whereby they have been believ'd to be the
of such Goods and Chattels, and thereby procure to themselves
Credit for considerable Sums of Money, and Quantities of Tobacco, to the
great prejudice of several Inhabitants of this Province and Others,
Be it
therefore Enacted,
by the Authority, Advice and Consent
aforesaid, That from
and after the End of this Session of Assembly, no Goods or Chattels, whereof
the Vendor, Mortgagor, or Donor, shall remain in Possession, shall pass,
alter or change, or any Property thereof be transferred to any Purchaser,
Mortgagee or Donee, unless the same be by Writing, and acknowledged before
one Provincial Justice, or one Justice of the County where such Seller,
Mortgagor or Donor, shall reside; and be within Twenty Days recorded in
the Records of the same County.
VI. Provided
That nothing in this Act shall extend, or be construed
to extend, to make void any such Sale, Mortgage, or Gift, against such
Seller, Mortgagor or Donor, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns only,
or any claiming under him, her or them.
Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN,
Accounts or
Book Debts
to be proved
in like Manner.
No Property
shall be transferred of
Goods, &c.
remaining in
Possession of
any Vendor,
Mortgagor or
Donor, unless
by Writing
and recorded
within 20
But shall not
void such
Sale, &c. against
Seller, &c. |
An Act to confirm a Deed of Bargain and Sale from Stephen Yoakley,
to Thomas
Colmore. Lib. L. Nº 5. fol.
270. PR.
Passed 8th
August 1729. |
An ACt for the Assessment of so much Tobacco on the Inhabitants
of All-hallows
Parish, in Anne-Arundel County, as will build
them a new Parish Church.
Lib. L. Nº 5. fol. 271.
Ditto. |
An Act for the further ASsessment of Forty Thousand Pounds of Tobacco,
on the
Inhabitants of St. Anne's Parish in Ann-Arundel
County, towards enlarging
and repairing the Church in the City of Annapolis,
and building a Chapel of
Ease in the said Parish; and for the Payment of a fourth
Part of the Charge,
by a public Assessment on the whole Province, for the
Enlargement and Reparation
of the said Church. Lib. L. Nº
5. fol. 272.
N.B. By
this Act the Vestry and Church-wardens were impowered and directed, to
leave a
Place and Room vacant in the Body of the Church, large enough to contain
these Pews, viz. A
handsome one for the Governor, another for the Honourable the Members
of the Council, another
Pew for the Honourable the Speaker of the House of Delegates, and five
others, large and
commodious, for the Members of the said House.
Ditto. |
An Act for erecting a Town n the North Side of Patapsco,
in Baltimore County,
and for laying out in Lots, Sixty Acres of Land, in
and about the Place
where one John Flemming now live. Lib.
L. Nº 5. fol. 274.
N.B. By
this Act, (1.) Certain Commissioners were appointed, and impowered
to purchase
(by Agreement, or Valuation of a Jury) Sixty Acres of Land on the Tract
John Flemming now lives, commonly known by the Name of Cole's
Harbour; and to lay out
the same, in the most convenient Manner, into Sixty equal Lots, to be erected
into a Town.
(2.) The land being laid out, surveyed, marked, staked out and divided
into convenient
Streets, Lanes, &c. and the Lots marked, numbered,
&c. the Owner of the Land to have the
first Choice for one Lot; after which the remaining Lots to be taken up
by others. None to
take up more than one Lot during the first Four Months,
nor any but Inhabitants of the County
within Six Months after laying out: After which, vacant Lots may
be taken up by any other
Persons. And the Takers-up of Lots to pay the Owner of the Land,
the Valuation of the 60
Acres, proportionably to their Lots: Which shall give such Purchasers,
their Heirs and Assigns,
an absolute Estate, in Fee-simple, in the said Lots; they complying with
the Requisites in this |
Ditto. |