1729. |
An Act for the Laying out of Land, and erecting a Town at the Head
of Port-Tobacco
Creek, in Charles County. Lib. L. Nº
5. fol. 262.
N.B. By
this Act, (1.) Certain Commissioners are appointed and impowered
to purchase
(by Agreement, or Valuation of a Jury) Sixty Acres of Land at the place
aforesaid, and to
cause the same to be surveyed and laid out in the most convenient Manner,
so as to adjoin to,
and encompass, the land belonging to Port-Tobacco
Church and the Court-house. (2.) One
Acre to be laid out for a Market-Place, and the remaining 59 Acres to be
divided into 100 Lots,
allowing convenient Streets, &c. of which Lots the Owner of the Land
to have his Choice of
Two, provided he make his Choice in 15 Days after laying out the Town:
And the remaining
Lots may be taken up by any Inhabitants of the County; no Person to take
up more
than one Lot within the first Four Months; and in case the said Inhabitants
shall not take up
the lots within the said Time, then any other Person may take up the same.
(3.) The Damage
or Recompence assessed by the Jury, or the Sum agreed for by the Commissioners,
be paid to the Owner of the Land, by Persons taking up Lots, proportionably
to their Lots.
(4.) Every Person taking up any lots shall build thereon, within
18 Months from the Time of
taking up, a House to cover 400 square Feet, exclusive
of Sheds. (5.) All the Houses to be
built on the Edge of some Street, Lane, or Alley, and to front the same.
(6.) The Commissioners
to return their Proceedings to the County Clerk (within 10 Days after laying
out the
Town) who shall enter the same in the land Records, and file the original
Report. (7.) Persons
wanting Lots shall apply to the said Clerk, who shall enter their Names
in the Records,
with the Day of the Month, &c. and Number of the lot or Lots so taken
up: And the Person
causing such Entry to be made, and building on such Lot, according to this
Act, shall be vested
with a good, sure, and indefeazable Estate of Inheritance, in Fee-simple,
of in, and to the
Lot or Lots so entered and built upon. (8.) Persons taking
up Lots, and not building thereon
according to this Act, shall entirely lose all Right, Title, Estate, &c.
therein: And any Person
whatever, may take up such Lots, making Entry as before directed, and paying
the Sum originally
assessed upon such Lots to the Commissioners, &c. for the Public Use
and Benefit of the
Town. And such second Taker-up, by virtue of such Entry and payment,
and building on such
Lot (according to the Directions of this Act) within 18 Months from the
Date of such second
Entry, shall be vested with the same Estate as is by this Act settled on
the first taker-up. (9.) In
case any of the Lots remain untaken up at the End of Seven Years from laying
out the Town;
then the first Owner of the Land shall be possessed and interested in the
said Lots, as in his first
and former Estate. (10.) The Town to be called Charles-Town,
and by no other Name or Distinction.
(11.) This Act not to prejudice the Rights of any Persons, who have
complied with
the Requisites od the Act whereby part of the said land was actually surveyed
and laid out into
Lots, and then called Charles-Town, of their Title to or Inheritance
of the said Lots. (12.) Saving
to the Crown, the Lord Proprietor, &c. their several and respective
Passed 8th
August 1729. |
An ACT impowering and directing the Justices of the several
Counties within this Province, to levy any Quantity
of Tobacco,
not exceeding Ten Pounds per Poll, on the Taxable
Persons of any Parish, in each of their respective Counties,
on Application to them made by the Vestry and Church-wardens
of any Parish. Lib. L. Nº 5. fol.
Ditto. |
WHEREAS it is represented and made appear to this present General
Assembly, that some of the Justices of the Peace within this Province,
have refused to assess Tobacco on the Inhabitants of some
Parishes, although Application have been made to them by the Vestry and
Church-wardens, to that End;
II. Be it Enacted,
the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and the
Upper and
Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the same, That it shall
and may
be lawful for, and the several justices of the several County Courts within
this Province, are hereby required and directed, on Application to them
made, by the Vestry-men and Church-wardens of any parish, yearly to assess
the Parishioners of such Parish, any Quantity of Tobacco, not exceeding
Ten per Poll, on the Taxable Inhabitants thereof; be it for the Enlargement
or Repairs of any Church heretofore, or hereafter to be enlarged, or
for any other Charge that shall hereafter be judged by the Vestry and Church-wardens
to be necessary for the Use of the same Parish: For collecting whereof,
the Sheriffs shall be allowed Five per Cent, without any Deduction.
Courts, on
of the Vestry,
shall yearly
assess the Parishioners,
not exceeding
10 per Poll.
Sheriff's Salary
5 per
Cent. |
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