1728. |
Passed 1st
Nov. 1728. |
An Act for the Relief of John Powell, John Nowell, Samuel Stevens,
Gordon and Thomas Price. languishing Prisoners
in Ann-Arundel County;
Thomas Hill and James Ward, languishing
Prisoners in Talbot County;
Richard Edwards and Nathaniel Wright, languishing
Prisoners in Queen-Ann's
County; Christopher Bonfield and Clarina
Gilly, languishing Prisoners
in Calvert County; Kenneth Mackensey,
languishing Prisoner in Charles
County; Peter Bromfield, a languishing
Prisoner in Prince-George's County;
and Abel Van Burkelo, a languishing Prisoner
in Cæcil County. Lib. L
Nº 5. fol. 235. PR. |
Ditto. |
An Act for the better Regulating the Parishes in St. Mary's
Charles Counties.
Lib. L. Nº 5. fol. 242.
N.B. By this Act, certain
Commissioners were appointed for regulating the several Parishes in
the said Counties, and dividing the same, by natural
or artificial Boundaries, &c. and to return
their proceedings to the next General Assembly, fro their
Inspection and Approbation., And an
Act was passed 1729, ch. 14, in pursuance thereof;
but Dissented to by his Lordship. |
Ditto. |
An ACT to prevent the Abuses of concealing convicted Felons,
and other Offenders, imported into this Province,
and for the
better Discovery of them. Lib. L. Nº
5. fol. 244. |
Recital of the
British Stat.
4 Geo. I. |
WHEREAS by the Statute of the Fourth Year of the Reign of his
late Majesty king GEORGE the First, (of glorious Memory) entitled,
An Act fort the further preventing Robbery, Burglary, and
other Felonies, and for the more effectual Transportation of Felons,
and unlawful
Exporters of Wool; and for to declare the Law in some Points relating
to Pirates,
it is Enacted and Provided, " That where any person or persons should
" convicted of Offences (within the Benefit of Clergy) and liable to
" Whipt, or Burnt in the Hand, or ordered to any Work-house; or that/
" should be Convict of Grand or Petit Larceny, or any Felonious Stealing,
" taking the Money, Goods, or Chattels, either from the Person, or
the House
" of any Person, or any other Manner, and who, by the law, should be
" to the Benefit of Clergy, and liable only to the Penalties of Burning
" the Hand, or Whipping; (except Persons convict for receiving or buying
" Stolen Goods, knowing them to be Stolen) it should and might be lawful
" for the Court before whom they should be convicted, or any Court
held at
" the same Place with the like Authority, if they should think fit,
instead of
" ordering such Offender to be burnt in the Had, or Whipt, to order
" direct that such Offenders, as also such Offenders in any Work-house
" aforesaid, should be sent as soon as conveniently might be, to some
of his
" Majesty's Colonies and Plantations in America, for the Space
of Seven
" Years: And that Court before whom they should be convicted, or any
" subsequent Court, held for the same Place, with the like Authority
as the
" former, should have Power to convey, transfer, and make over such
" by Order of Court, to the Use of any Person or Persons, who
" should contract fort the performance of such Transportation, to him
" them, his or their Assigns, for the Term of Seven Years. And
" any Person was convicted before the making the said first recited
Act, or
" did then stand attained of any Offence whatsoever for Death by Law,
" ought to be inflicted, or where any Offenders should be thereafter
" of any Crime whatsoever, for which by law they ought to be excluded
" the Benefit of Clergy; and his Majesty, his Heirs or Successors,
" be graciously pleased to attend Royal Mercy to any such Offenders,
" Condition of Transportation to any part of America, and such
Intention of
" Mercy should be signified by one of his Majesty's principal Secretaries
" State; it should and might be lawful for any Court, having proper
" to allow such Offenders the Benefit of a Pardon, under the Great
" Seal, and to order and direct the like Transfer and Conveyance to
any Person |