1726. |
I. |
of Snowden's River; and so down the said Snowden's
River, till it meet with the now Extent of
Ann-Arundel County, shall be, and for ever hereafter deemed as Part
of Ann-Arundel County:
And the Inhabitants thereon already, or hereafter to be seated, are hereby
declared to be Inhabitants
of Ann-Arundel County, and entitled to the same Rights and Privileges
within the same
Ann-Arundel County, as other Inhabitants thereof now or hereafter
may have. (2.) That Part
of the Act (of 1698, ch. 13,) for dividing Ann-Arundel County,
which relates to the South Side
of Patapsco River, being added to Baltimore County, is hereby
Passed 25th
July 1726. |
An Act to confirm a Marriage Agreement made betwixt Randal Revel,
senior, and Katherine his Wife, on the Behalf
or Randal Revel, junior, and
Sarah his Wife; and to invest the Heirs of the
said Sarah with an estate of
Fee-Tail general, according to the said Agreement.
Lib. L. Nº 5. fol. 121.
Ditto. |
An Act for reviving an Act, entitled, a
An Act for raising a Duty of Three-pence
per Hogshead on all Tobacco exported out of this Province
for the Uses
therein mentioned. Lib. L. Nº 5. fol.
123. EXP. |
a 1720, ch. 1,
hereby continued till the 29th September 1729.
Ditto. |
An ACt reviving and continuing the b
Act for ascertaining the Gauge and Tare of
Tobacco Hogsheads, &c. Lib. L.
Nº 5. fol. 125. |
b 1717, ch. 77,
hereby continued till the 29th September 1729.
Ditto. |
An Act repealing an Act of Assembly, entitled, c
An ACt for the Relief and Release
of poor distressed Prisoners for Debt.
Lib. L. Nº 5. fol. 125. |
c 1725, ch. 13,
hereby Repealed.
Ditto. |
An Act for dividing Part of St. John's Parish in Prince
George's County, and
for erecting part thereof into a new Parish.
Lib. L. Nº 5. fol. 126.
N.B. By this Act (1.)
From the 4th Tuesday (viz. 22d) of November next, the Three
viz. Eastern Branch, Rock-Creek and Patowmack, from the Mouth
of the Eastern Branch to the?
Fork thereof, and so up with the North East Branch that
makes the said Fork unto the Head
thereof; thence continuing the Course of the said Branch by a strait Line,
'til it strike Patuxent
River, shall be taken fro St, John's Parish aforesaid, in Prince
George's County; and erected
into a new Parish, by the Name of Prince George's Parish; and thenceforth
be deemed, &c.
Prince George's Parish,
and not Part or Parcel of the said St. John's Parish; and the Boundaries
aforesaid, always to be deemed, &c. the undoubted Boundaries to divide
the parish aforesaid.
(2.) The Inhabitants to enjoy all Benefits, Powers, &c. equal
with the Inhabitants of any other
Parish within this province; with full and ample Power to elect Vestry-men
and Church-wardens,
and to build and found a Church, &c.
Ditto. |
An act making good and effectual in Law, a Deed of Bargain and Sale
from Thomas
Dent of Charles County, to Thomas Osborne
of the same County, when
Recorded. Lib. L. Nº5. fol. 129.
Ditto. |
An Act in Favour of John Galloway, and John Giles, to
enable them to record
a certain Deed herein mentioned, and to confirm the
Recording thereof. Lib. L.
Nº 5. fol. 131. PR.
* 1715, ch. 39. |
A Supplementary ACT to the * Act for the better Administration
of Justice in Testamentary Affairs, Granting Administrations,
Recovery of Legacies, securing filial Portions, and
of Intestates Estates. Lib. L. Nº
5. fol. 134.
Preamble. |
FORASMUCH as it is represented to this General Assembly, That several
of the inhabitants of this province have suffered much Damage
by the Shortness of the Time allowed for entering and prosecuting
Appeals, from the Sentences and Decrees made in the Prerogative Court for
Probate of Wills within this Province;
II. BE it therefore
Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and
with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and the Upper and
Lower |