all Servants transported into this Province, whether by
Indenture of otherwise,
and so bound or adjudge as aforesaid, shall commence with Time of Servitude
from the first anchoring of the Vessel within this Province.
XVII. Provided,
that the said Vessel tarry not above fourteen Days after
her Entry within the Capes, and her first Anchorage in this Province;
all the Days such Ship or Ships shall tarry in Virginia above
fourteen Days,
shall be adjudged Part of the Service of such Servant, which shall
be afterwards
brought into Maryland, and there Sold: Any Law, Usage
or Custom
to the contrary notwithstanding.
XVIII. And be
it also Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and Consent aforesaid,
That every Indenture made by any Servant, during the Time of his
Service by former Indenture, or Judgment of the County Court, according
to the Tenor of this Act, shall be void, and not any ways oblige any
for longer Time, than by his first Indenture or Judgment of the Court
be limited and appointed.
XIX. And be it
further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and Consent
aforesaid, That for all such Runaway Servants or Slaves that
shall be apprehended
and taken up in the Province of Pensylvania, or Colony of Virginia,
and from thence brought into this Province, and delivered to a Magistrate
the County into which they shall be brought; the Person, for so doing,
have paid and allowed him, by the Master or Owner of such Runaway,
Hundred Pounds of Tobacco and Cask, or Forty Shillings in Money, upon
his producing a Certificate from the Justice or Sheriff of the Delivery
of such
Runaway: Except Servants or Runaways brought from Accomack,
into Somerset
County, for such only Two Hundred Pounds of Tobacco, or Twenty
Shillings, and the like from that Side of Virginia next the
For which said Sum or Sums paid, such Runaway shall make Satisfaction
when Free, by Service or otherwise, besides what shall be adjudged
as a Recompence,
for the Absence of such Runaway Servant as aforesaid, as the Court
shall adjudge.
XX. But if
such Person, so apprehended, brought and delivered as aforesaid,
be a Free-man, and refuse to pay such Sum or Sums of Tobacco or
Money, then, and in such Case, the Magistrate before who he or she
be brought, shall forthwith commit the said Person so refusing, to
Prison, till
he or she give sufficient Security, or make full Satisfaction by Servitude
XXI. And be it
further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That if any
Master or Mistress of any Servant whatsoever, or Overseer by Order
or Consent
of any such Master or Mistress, shall deny, and not provide sufficient
Meat, Drink, Lodging and Cloathing; or shall unreasonably burthen them
beyond their Strength with Labour, or debar them of their necessary
and Sleep, or excessively beat and abuse them, or shall give them above
Lashes for any One Offence, the same being sufficiently proved before
Justices of the County Courts, the said Justices have hereby full Power
Authority for the first and second Offence to levy such Fine upon such
as to them shall seem meet, not exceeding One Thousand Pounds of
Tobacco, to the Use of this Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, for
the Support
of Government; and, for the third Offence, to set such Servant so wronged
at Liberty, and free from Servitude.
XXII. But in
case the Master or Owner of any such Servant shall think
that he or they deserves greater Correction, then the said Master or
Owner of
such Servant or Servants, shall or may carry them before any Justice
of the |
the Time of
unless the
Vessel tarry
in Virginia
above fourteen
made by Servants
shall be void.
For every
Servant taken
up in Pensylvania
or Virginia,
Owners shall
pay 400 lb
Tobacco, or
40 Shillings,
brought from
Accomack into
County, or
over Patowmack,
Free Persons
so apprehended,
&c. and
refusing to
pay, shall be
Masters not
Food, &c. for
their Servants,
beyond their
Strength, abusing
or giving above
10 Lashes for
one Offence,
may be fined.
In what case
the Servant
may be set
But a Magistrate,
may order
&c. |