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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 242   View pdf image (33K)
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JOHN HART, Esq; Governor
those who legally represent them.  Provided there be no Representatives admitted
among Collaterals, after Brothers and Sisters Children.  And in case
there be no Wife, then all the said Estate to be distributed equally to and amongst
the Children:  And in case there be no Children, to the next † of
Kindred in equal Degree of or unto the Intestate, or their legal Representatives
as aforesaid.
    * In case there be a Widow, no other Collaterals shall be allowed than those directed by this
Act; and she shall have the whole Residue.  1719, ch. 14, §. 4; and 1729, ch. 24, §. 19.
    † In case the Administrator be of Kin to the Deceased, within the Fifth Degree, either of
Consanguinity or Affinity; he, and all others equally related, shall have the same Right to the
Residue as Brothers and Sisters Children.  1719, ch. 14, §. 3. and 1729, ch. 24, §. 18.
    But in case there be no known Relations of the Intestate, or Representatives legally entitled to
the Residue, the Administrator shall pay the whole Balance to the Visitors of the Public School
in that County where the Deceased resided, for the Use of such School.  1719. ch. 14, §. 2;
and 1729, ch. 24, §. 17.

    VII.  And after such Division or Distribution made, or caused to be made,
by the Judge aforesaid, the said Judge shall transmit the Account thereof, if
not before transmitted, to the several and respective Justices of the County
Courts where the said Estates shall be and remain:  And if any part thereof
belong to an Orphan who is capable of chusing his Guardian, such Orphan
shall be called to Court, and shall then and there chuse his Guardian, into
whose Hands the said Orphan's Estate shall be committed; but if such Orphan
be not at Age, then the Justices aforesaid shall put the person's Lands,
Goods and Chattels of the said Orphans into the Hands of such Person or
Persons as they shall think fit, and take a Bond, with two sufficient Sureties,
in the Names of the Orphans themselves, for the securing and delivering of
the said Estate to the said Orphans or their Guardians, when thereunto lawfully
called, according to the Rules and Directions by this Act prescribed, and not
otherwise:  Which Rules shall be Rules not only for the Justices of the COunty
Courts to proceed by, in taking the accounts of Guardians or Trustees
for Orphans, but also for the Judge for Probate of Wills and granting
Administrations, in the Accounts of Administrators, and bare Executors to the
Benefit of Others:  Nor shall the Judge give any other || Allowances to any
Administrator or Administrators, upon his, her, or their Accounts, but for
Debts bonâ Fide owing from the Deceased, and really paid, or secured to be
paid, by the several and respective Administrators, together with the necessary
    || Allowances for their Trouble, see below, §. 23, 24, 25, and 26.  For Costs, see 1722, ch. 
10, §. 4.

    VIII.  First. No Negro or other Slave shall be sold or disposed of, by any
Administrator, for Payment of Debts, or otherwise reserved for the Administrator's
own Use, in Satisfaction of any Debts due to the said Administrator;
nor any Execution served upon any Negro, or other Slaves, so long as
there shall be ‡ other Goods of the Deceased sufficient to satisfy the just
Debt of the said Deceased; but shall be kept upon the Hazard of the Estate,
and employed for the Benefit of the Creditors and Orphans, (if any be) until
the Crop that was upon Hand, or shall have been begun in the Life Time of
the Deceased, shall be finished; which shall always be deemed to be by the
last Day of January next after such the Intestate's Decease:  After which the Administrator
is to account for the Estate; and such Crop shall be Assetts to the
Creditors, and dividable between the Wife and Child, or Children, or Relations
of the said Deceased, if there be no Creditors:  And the Judge for Probate
of Wills, upon passing the Account by such Administrator, shall allow
him his reasonable Charges expended in finishing such Crop.
    ‡ The Executor or Administrator shewing such other Goods, which the Sheriff is required to
        demand.  1729, ch. 24, §. 2.

    IX.  Second, That no Account be allowed for Diet, Cloaths or Physic,
to any Administrator, or Guardian to any Orphan, against the Estate of the


If no Widow,
the Estate to

be divided among
the Children.
If no Children,
the next of
Kindred in
equal Degree,

The Commissary-General
to transmit
an Account 
of such
to the County
Orphans, if
at Age, shall
chuse their
Guardians in
Court, if not
at Age, the
Court shall
put them,
their Lands,
&c. into fit
The Rules of
this Act to be
observed both
by the County
Court, and
the Commissary-General.
No Allowance
to be
made to Administrators,
but for Debts
of the deceased
paid, &c.

Slaves not to
be sold, &c.
or taken in
Execution for
Debts of the
while there
are other
Goods sufficient.

Orphans to
be supported.

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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 242   View pdf image (33K)
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