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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 232   View pdf image (33K)
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JOHN HART, Esq; Governor.
    VI.  Provided further, That this Act, nor any thing therein contained,
shall extend, or be construed to extend to prejudice the Right of Richard
Bennet, Esq; to such part of the Land laid our for a own in Worton Creek
in Kent County, whereon Houses, ORchards and Improvements, were, at the
Time of laying out that Town.

    VII.  And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and Consent aforesaid,
That where any Person or Persons whatsoever, have taken up any lot
or Lots, by virtue of the before recited Acts of Assembly, since the First Day
of August One Thousand Seven Hundred and Nine, and paid for the same to
the Owner, but not built thereon, being discouraged by her late Majesty's
Disallowance of the said Acts, shall and may, by virtue of this Act, have the
Money or Tobacco repaid him or them by the person or PErsons that received
the same, their Executors or Administrators:  And for Non-Payment, after
Demand made, to recover and sue for the same in any Court that may hold
Plea thereof.

    VIII.  And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That all and
every Lot or Lots, Parcel, or Portion of Ground, assigned to the Use of any
Community, and paid for, and built upon according to the Directions of any
the aforesaid Acts, before her said Majesty's Disallowance to the said Acts was
notified, shall remain to such Community for whose Use it was built; her
said Majesty's Disallowance of the said Acts afterwards notwithstanding.

    IX.  And whereas, sundry persons have taken up Lots in divers Towns of
this Province, and have begun to build, so that they have erected Frames,
though not quite finished their Houses according to the Directions of the aforesaid 
Town Laws; Be it Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That all such
Persons who have taken up Lots, and erected Frames in such Towns, shall
have and enjoy goof, sure, and indefeazable Estate of Inheritance, to them
and their Heirs, in such Lots so improved upon, notwithstanding they have
not complied with the exact Prescriptions and Directions of the aforesaid
Town Laws.
                                    Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN,
                                                                                                                           THOMAS BACON.

A Saving to
the Rights of
Richard Bennet,
Esq; &c.

Persons who
have taken
up Lots and
paid for them,
but have not
built thereon,
to be repaid.

Lots assigned
to the Use of
any Community,
for, &c.
shall remain
to such

The Rights 
of persons
who have begun
to build
upon Lots,
though not
finished according
to the
Town Laws,

An ACT for Stay of Execution after the Tenth of May, Yearly.
    Lib. LL. Nº 4. fol. 186.
Passed 3d
June 1715.
Supplementary, &c. Acts, 1721, ch. 4; 1728, ch. 24; and 1732, ch. 22.

WHEREAS many of the Inhabitants of this Province are, and have
been exceedingly grieved and burthened by Executions laid upon
them in the Summer Time, ,when it is not possible for them to
procure Effects fort the Payment and Satisfaction of their Creditors, by means
whereof they are oftentimes kept in Prison a long Time, and thereby disabled
from making and tending their Crops, to the great Prejudice, if not Ruin,
of many the Inhabitants of this Province, being thereby left destitute of any
Means to satisfy their Creditors; For Prevention whereof for the future;

    II.  Be it Enacted, by the King's most excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice
and Consent of his Majesty's Governor, Council, and Assembly of this Province, 
and the Authority of the same,
That after the Tenth Day of May, in
any Year, no Execution shall issue out of any Court of this Province, against
the Body or Goods of any person or persons inhabiting within this Province,
'til the Tenth Day of * November next, or until the Tenth Day of November,
in any Year ensuing, for any Debt or Debts, or upon any Action, Judgment
or Judgments, sued, had or recovered, against the Inhabitants of or within



No Execution
for Debt or
Judgment to
be issued in
any Court
from the 10th
May to the
10th November,
in any
Year. (See this
D d 2

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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 232   View pdf image (33K)
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