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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 224   View pdf image (33K)
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JOHN HART, Esq; Governor.
Fornication, or Adultery, as the Case shall happen, and subject them to the
Penalties aforementioned; any Law, Statute, or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding.
                                            Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN,
                                                                                                                                    THOMAS BACON.
    * This Paragraph is recited at large in 1749, ch. 12, §. 5, and it is thereby Enacted, That
Persons not appearing according to such Notice, on Affidavit of such Notice being give, it shall
be taken for a Proof of Cohabitation and a Confession of their Guilt:  And shall be sufficient Evidence
to convict them, so cohabiting and frequenting each others Company, as if they had appeared,
and were actually admonished according to this Act.
An ACT for taking Special Bail in the several Counties of this
    Province upon Actions or Suits depending in his Majesty's Provincial
    Court, and in the several County Courts of this Province.
    Lib. LL. N° 4. fol. 170.
Passed 3d
June 1715.
FOR the greater Ease and Benefit of all Persons inhabiting or residing
within this Province, in taking Recognizances of Special Bail in all 
Actions and Suits depending, or to be depending, in his Majesty's Provincial
or County Courts of this Province;

    II.  Be it Enacted, by the King's most excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice
and Consent of his Majesty's Governor, Council, and Assembly of this Province,
and the Authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful to and
for the Defendant in any Writ issued, or to be issued, out of the Provincial 
Court, after Arrest, and Bail given to the Sheriff for his Appearance, and before
the Return of such Writs, to go before one of the Justice s od the
Provincial Court, or before the President or any Two Justices of the County
Court where such Defendant shall be arrested. with two sufficient Freeholders
of this Province, such as the Justice or Justices before whom such Defendant
shall go, shall approve of, and then and there give SPecial Bail to any Action
wherein he shall be so arrested by virtue of such Writ; which Bail, so taken.
shall be delivered to the Sheriff of such County where the same is taken, to
be by him returned, with such Writ, to the Provincial Court.

    III.  And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, by and with the
Advice and Consent aforesaid, That when Special Bail is required in the Provincial 
Court by the Plaintiff's Attorney, at the calling over the Appearance-Docket,
and that the Court does rule Special Bail shall be given, and the Party,
against whim the Rule is give that he shall give Special Bail, be present;
the Party Defendant shall then and there give Special Bail in open Court, and
shall be deemed to be in the Custody of the Sheriff that arrested him in that
Action, 'till he give Special bail as aforesaid.  But of the said Party Defendant
not be able, at the Provincial Court, to procure such Special Bail,
then the said Party shall be and remain in the Custody of the same Sheriff
that arrested him, and by him in safe Custody kept, guarded and carried
back into the County where the defendant was arrested, and there in safe
Custody kept, till he can procure such Special Bail.

    IV.  And for the greater Ease of making and taking Recognizances of such
Special Bail, it shall and may be lawful for one of the Justices of the Provincial
Court of this Province, or for the President, or any Two Justices of 
the County Court, to take and receive every such Recognizances of Bail as
any Person or Persons, who shall be deemed by him or them sufficient Sureties,
shall be willing or desirous to acknowledge or make before him or them 
in the County, in any Action or Suit depending, or hereafter to be depending,
in the said Provincial Court; which Recognizances, so required to be
taken, as well before as after the Return of the Writ, shall be taken in such
Manner and Form as followeth, viz.


Special Bail
to Provincial
Writs, how
to be given in
the County
where the
Defendant is

If Special
Bail be ruled
in the Provincial;
the Party, if
present, shall
give Special
Bail in open
Court, or remain
in Custody
till he
can procure
Special Bail.

of Special
Bail how to
be taken.

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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 224   View pdf image (33K)
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