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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 217   View pdf image (33K)
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A Saving to
, &c.

Persons absenting
out of
the Province, 
or removing
from County

to County,
shall have no
Benefit of this

Proviso in
Favour of
such as remove,
for Conveniency,
or leave
Effects sufficient
to pay
their just


No Specialty
(except to the
Use of his
Majesty, &c.)
to be good
and pliable
after Twelve
Years, &c.

Except Infants,
any such Cause of Action accruing, within the Age of One and Twenty Years,
Femme Covert, Non compos Mentis, Imprisoned, or beyond the Seas; that then
such person or Persons shall be at Liberty to bring the said Action or Actions, 
within the respective Times before limited, after their coming to, or being
of, full Age, sound Memory, at large, or returned from beyond the Seas,
as other Persons having no such Impediment, might or should have done.

    IV.  And forasmuch, as divers Disputes formerly arose, whether Persons absenting
the Province, or wandering from County to COunty until the Time
by the late Act, for the Reasons and Purposes aforesaid limited and allowed,
were expired, should have any Benefit thereby; and different Judgments
given thereon in the several and respective Counties within this Province, for
that the said Act was altogether silent;
Be it therefore Enacted, by the Authority
That from and after the Publication hereof, no Person or
Persons whatsoever, absenting themselves out of this Province, or that shall
remove from County to County, after any Debt contracted, whereby the
Creditor or Creditors may be at an Uncertainty of finding out the said Person
or Persons, or his or their Effects, shall have any Benefit by the Limitation
or Restriction in this Act specified.

    V.  Provided always,  and it is the true Intent and Meaning hereof, That
this Act, or any thing herein contained, shall not be construed, reputed or
taken, to prejudice or debar any Person removing himself or Family, from
one County to another, for his Conveniency; or any Person, leaving this Province
for the Time and Term in this Act limited, from the Benefit thereof;
he leaving Effects sufficient and known, for the Payment of his just Debts,
in the Hands of some Person or Persons, who will assume the Payment thereof
to his Creditors; any thing in this Act contained to the contrary hereof in
any wise notwithstanding.

    VI.  And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, by and with the
Advice and Consent aforesaid,
That no Bill, Bond, Judgment, Recognizance,
Statute Merchant, or of the Staple, or other Specialty whatsoever, except
such as shall be taken in the Name, or for the Use of our Sovereign Lord the 
King, his Heirs and Successors, shall be good and pleadable, or admitted in
Evidence against any person or Persons of this Province, after the principal
Debtor and Creditor have been both Dead Twelve Years, or the Debt or
Thing in Action above Twelve Years standing:  Saving to all Persons that
shall be under the aforementioned Impediments of Infancy, Coverture, Insanity
of Mind, Imprisonment, or being beyond the Sea, the full Benefit of
all such Bills, Bonds, Judgments, Recognizances, Statutes Merchant, or of
the Staple, or other Specialties, for the Space of Five Years after such Imprisonment
removed; any thing in this Act before mentioned to the contrary
                        Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN,
                                                                                                                THOMAS BACON.


Passed 3d
June 1715.
An ACT to declare how the Forty Pounds of Tobacco per Poll,
in such Parishes where there is no Incumbent, shall be disposed
of.  Lib.  LL. Nº 4. fol. 160.

Defects of the
Act of 1702,
ch. 1.
WHEREAS by an Act of Assembly, made at a General Assembly begun
and held at the Port of Annapolis, the Sixteenth Day of March,
One Thousand Seven Hundred and One, entitled, An Act for the
Establishment of Religious Worship in this Province, according to the Church of
and for the Maintainance of Ministers, there is no Provision made where
there is a Vacancy, or no Incumbent in a Parish, how or what to Use the
Forty Pounds of Tobacco per Poll shall be applied:  Therefore the Burgesses
and Delegates of this present General Assembly prat that it may be Enacted;

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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 217   View pdf image (33K)
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