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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 213   View pdf image (33K)
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which if not 
under written
in 3 Months,
a Pass may be

The Secretary's
Clerk's Fees.

Persons may
have a Pass,
on giving Security

Payment of
their Country
Debts, without
setting up

Masters of
Ships, &c.
conveying Debtors, by
Land or Water,
out of

this Province,
shall be
liable to all
Debts, &c.

Persons conveying
out of
this Province,
shall satisfy
Damages to
the Owners.

Persons conveying
or Servants
Pensylvania or
without Passes,
on a Certificate
two County
under the
County Seal,
&c. shall be
the Creditors,
Masters, &c.
for all Debts
or Damages.

shall first give Notice of their intended Departure, by
setting up his, her, or their Name or Names at the Secretary's Office of this
Province, and also at the Door of the Court-house of the County where such
Persons resides at the Time of setting up such Name as aforesaid, the full
Space of Three Months; that if in the Time aforesaid, no Person shall underwrite
the said Person or Persons so setting up his, her, or their respective
Name or Names as aforesaid, it shall be then lawful for the Governor, keeper 
of the Great-Seal, or Secretary of this Province, for the Time being, upon
Certificate thereof from the Clerk of the Provincial Court, and the Clerk of
such County, where such Name shall be set up as aforesaid, to sign a Pass or
Passes to any such Person or Persons, to depart this Province; for which the
Party shall pay to the Secretary for signing the same, the Sum of Two Shillings
and Sixpence, and to the Clerk of the Provincial and County Courts
Twelve pence each.  And if any Person or Persons, upon any sudden or emergent
Occasion, are necessitated to depart this Province, not having set up
his, her, or their Names at the Secretary's Office, and County Court-house
Door as aforesaid, then such Person or Persons, giving good and sufficient Security
to the Governor, Keeper of the Great Seal, or Secretary, to discharge
and pay all Debts, Dues and Demands whatsoever, due, owing, or demandable
from the said person to any of the Inhabitants of this Province, then the
said Person or Persons may have a Pass, containing a Certificate of such Security
given; for which shall be paid the same Fee as aforesaid.

    II.  And be it further Enacted, That any Master of Ships or Vessels, or other
Persons whatsoever, that shall transport or convey out of this Province,
by Land or Water, any Person being indebted by Bill, Bond, or Account, or
otherwise, to any Inhabitant thereof, without such pass or Passes under the
Hand of the Governor, Chancellor or Secretary as aforesaid, shall be liable
to satisfy all such Debts, Engagements and Damages, to the Person or Persons
to whom such Debts or Damages respectively shall be due, within this
Province, except the same be otherwise satisfied; or that the Transporter or
Conveyor away of such Person or Persons, procure such person or Persons to
return again within One Month after, whereby he may be liable to Justice 

    III.  And every such Person as aforesaid, as shall transport, or convey away 
out of this Province, any Servant or Servants, being Servants here by Condition/
for Wages, Indenture, or Custom of the COuntry, shall be liable to
pay and satisfy unto the Master or Owner of such Servant or Servants so
carried away, all such Damages, as he or they shall make appear to be justly
due to such Master or Owner, for want of such Servants; as the Court before
whom such Cause shall be tried, shall think fit.

    IV.  And whereas several ill-minded People, inhabiting and residing at the
Head of the Bay, have commonly set Persons over the Head of the Bay, and
Susquehanna River, being either Felons, Debtors, or Runaway Servants from?
the more remote parts of this Province, for some small Advantage they have
in buying or getting such money, Goods, or Apparel; as such Persons so absenting,
or flying from Justice aforesaid, have with them generally Money,
Goods or Apparel, by them feloniously purloined from their Masters, and other
Owners, by which Means they may more easily travel to any other Government,
in Prevention and Delay of Justice, and to the great Damage of
such Creditors, Masters or Owners aforesaid:
Be it therefore Enacted, by the
Authority aforesaid, by and with the Advice and Consent aforesaid, That from and
after the Publication hereof, no Person or Persons, inhabiting or being at the
Head of the Bay, or in any other part of this province, shall transport or
convey, or cause to be transported or conveyed, over Susquehanna River aforesaid, 

or any Part of the Bay, above the north Side of Sassafras River, on the
Eastern Shore of the Bay; or over Patowmack or Pocomoke Rivers into the

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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
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