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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 210   View pdf image (33K)
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JOHN HART, Esq; Governor.
Habitation within this Hundred, and there require of the Master, Mistress,
Dame, or other chief Person of the Family, a true List from under their
Hands of all their Taxable Persons, distinctly to be named, they and every
of them have within their respective Families:  Out of which List the said
Constable shall make two fair * Lists under his Hand; and one he shall send
to the Sheriff of the County, and the other he shall present to the next
County Court, to be set up.
    * By 1719, ch. 12, §. 6 and 7, Constables shall return their Lists of Taxables to the Sheriff,
by the 1st of August yearly; shall carry unsettled Freemen before a Magistrate to give Security
for their Levy, or be committed:  And for not pursuing the Directions of these two Acts in taking
and returning Taxables, shall forfeit 500 lb Tobacco; one Half to the County-Schools,
the other Half to the Informer.

    IV.  And in case any Master, Mistress, Dame, or other chief Person of a
Family, shall refuse, deny or delay to give such List, or in their Absence
leave at their Dwelling-houses, or Quarters, such a List and Account of their
Taxable persons of their several Families, or in the said Account shall conceal
any Taxable Person or Persons, in his or their Family; for every such
Offence, or not giving a true List or Account of them as aforesaid, to the

Constable by the Time required , and for every taxable person by them concealed,
shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds of Tobacco
for every such Offence, † one Half thereof to his Majesty, his Heirs and
Successors, for the Support of Government, the other Half to the Informer,
or him or them that will sue for the same; to be recovered in any County
Court within this Province, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information,
wherein no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law to be allowed.
    † By 1719, ch. 12, §. 2, Masters, &c. of Families concealing any Taxable, or not giving
true Account thereof, pursuant to this Clause; shall, for every Taxable so concealed, or not
given in, forfeit 500 lb Tobacco, one Half to the County-School, the other to the Informer.

    V.  And for the better ascertaining what Persons are, and shall be deemed
Taxables, and what not;
Be it Enacted, That all Male Persons, Residents
in this Province, and all || Female Slaves therein, of the Age of Sixteen

Years, or above, shall be accounted Taxables; except Clergymen of the
Church of England, having Benefices within this Province, and likewise such
poor People as receive Alms from the County, and also all such Slaves as shall

be adjudged by the County Court to be past Labour, who are hereby exempted;
any Law, Usage, or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding.
    || All Female Mulattoes born of White Women; and all Free Negro Women shall be Taxables,
by 1725, ch. 4.

    VI.  And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, by and with the
Advice and Consent aforesaid,
That all Constables within this Province shall obey,
and are hereby obliged to execute, all Warrants and Precept to them directed
from any Justice or Justices within this Province, touching or concerning
any Matter, Debt or Demand between Party and Party:  And such Constable
shall and may have, take, exact and receive from the Party complaining,
a Fee of Two Shillings and Six-pence Current Money, or Thirty Pounds
of Tobacco, for serving all the Precepts relating to any one Action, Matter
or Demand, and no more.

    VII.  Provided That where several Constables are to be employed in executing
Precepts relating to one and the same Matter or Demand, the Justice
before whom such Matter or Demand is determined, shall and may direct
what Fee, not exceeding Two Shillings and Six-pence, or Thirty Pounds of
Tobacco, each Constable shall have:  Which Fee or Fees are to be levied by
way of Execution on the Party complaining, and to be allowed the Party
recovering, in his Costs.
                                    Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN,
                                                                                                                            THOMAS BACON.

Habitation in
their Hundred,
by the
20th of June
yearly, and
demand a List
of Taxables,

Masters, &c.
of Families
refusing or
delaying, 7c.
to give such
List; or concealing
Taxable, forfeit
for every
such Offence,
and for every
Taxable concealed,
500 lb

What Persons 
shall be accounted
What Persons
are excepted.

Constables to
obey and execute
all Warrants,

Their Fee.

Where several
are employed
in one
how they
shall be paid.

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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 210   View pdf image (33K)
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