EDWARD LLOYD, Esq; President.
1712. |
An Act reviving an Act of Assembly of this Province, entitled, *
An Act imposing
Three Pence per Gallon on Rum and Wine, Brandy
and Spirits; and Twenty
Shillings per Poll for Negroes, for raising a
Supply to defray the Public Charge of
this Province; and Twenty Shillings per Poll
on Irish
Servants, to prevent the
Importing too great a Number of Irish
Papists into this Province. Lib. LL. N°
4. fol. 59. EXP. |
Passed 15th
Nov. 1712. |
* 1704, ch. 33, hereby continued 3 Years.
An ACT prohibiting the Exportation of the Hides of Neat Cattle,
whether Tanned or Untanned, and old Iron, out of
this Province.
Lib. LL. N° 4. fol. 60. |
Ditto. |
BE it Enacted, by the Queen's
most excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice
and Consent of her Majesty's president, Council, and Assembly of this
Province, and the Authority of the same, That if any Person or Persons
whatsoever, from and after the First Day of December now next ensuing,
carry and transport, or cause or endeavour to be carried and transported
out of
this Province, by Land or Water, to any other of her Majesty's Plantations,
any Skins or Hides of any Neat Cattle, Tanned or Untanned, or any old Iron
whatsoever, it shall and may be lawful for any officer of her Majesty's
Customs to make Seizure thereof. And the Master, Merchant, or Owner
any Ship or Vessel, or other Person, being convict of Shipping or Lading
board any Ship or Vessel, or transporting by Land out of this Province,
such Hides or old Iron as aforesaid, shall not only forfeit the same, but
the Sum of Fifty Pounds Current Money of this Province, to her most sacred
Majesty, her Heirs and Successors; the one Half thereof towards the defraying
the Public Charge of this Province, and the other Half to such Person or
Persons as shall inform or sue for the same: To be recovered in any
within this province, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information,
no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed.
II. And for
the better Publication of this Act, Be it
likewise Enacted, by
the Authority aforesaid, by and with the Advice and Consent aforesaid,
That every
Naval Officer and Collector within this province; shall procure a fair
Copy of
this Act, to be put up at the most public Place with in their respective
before or at the aforesaid First Day of December at farthest; and
the said Naval
Officers, Collectors, or other Custom-house Officers of her Majesty's
Customs, are hereby required to have a strict Regard to the due Execution
this Act; and so far as in them lie, to detect and prosecute, or cause
to be
detected and prosecuted, all Offenders against the Tenor hereof.
Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN,
Skins, Hides,
or old Iron,
attempted to
be transported
out of this
Province may
be seized.
Penalty, forfeiture
of the
Goods, and
50 l. Current
Naval Officers
and Collectors
to set
up Copies of
this Act in
their Offices. |
An Act for Naturalization of Peter Owerard, of the City of
Annapolis, Saddler;
Daniel Packet, of Ann-Arundel County,
Labourer; Joseph Crismand, of
Charles County, Planter; and Ambrose Nelson,
of Baltimore County, Planter.
Lib. LL. N° 4. fol. 60. PR.
Passed 15th
Nov. 1712. |
An Act reviving an act of Assembly of this Province, entitled, *
An Act for
Encouragement of Tillage, and Relief of poor Debtors.
Lib. LL. N° 4. fol.
61. EXP. |
Ditto. |
* 1704, ch. 28, hereby continued 3 Years.
An act reviving an Act of Assembly of this Province, entitled, †
An Act ascertaining
the Height of Fences, to prevent the Evil occasioned
by the Multitude of
Horses, and restraining Horse Rangers within this Province.
Lib. LL. N° 4.
fol. 62. EXP. |
Ditto. |
† 1704, ch. 41, hereby continued 3 Years.