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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 167   View pdf image (33K)
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    By this Act  (1.)  From and after the End of this present Session, the Towns, Ports and Places
hereafter mentioned, shall be the Ports and Places where all Ships and Vessels, trading into
this Province, shall Unlade and put on Shore, all Negroes, Wares, Goods, Merchandizes, and
Commodities whatsoever, viz.

St. Mary's County,               St. Mary's Town.
                                                St. Clement's Town
                                                A Town on Beckwith's Island, in Patuxent River.
Kent County,                        In Chester River, on a Plantation if Mr. Joce's, between Mr. Wilmore's
                                                   and Edward Walvin's Plantation.
                                                In Worton Creek, on a Tract of Land where Francis Barnes lives, formerly
                                                    laid out for a Town.
                                                At Sassafras River, where Shrewsbury Town was.
Ann-Arundel County,         The Town and Port of Annapolis.
                                                London-Town, on the South Side of South-River.
                                                A Town at West-River, where the Town was formerly.
                                                At Herring-Creek, where the Town was formerly laid out.
                                                And a Town to be laid out at Magotty River, on the Plantation late
                                                    in the Possession of Thomas Hanson, on the South Side of the said
Calvert County,                   At the Head of Leonard's Creek, on both Sides of the Mill-Branch,
                                                    at the Mouth of the said Branch.
                                                At the Head of Hunting-Creek, on both Sides of the said Creek.
                                                And in the Freshes of Patuxent River, at the Plantation of George and
                                                   Thomas Hardisty.
Charles County,                  At Port-Tobacco, and Newport, where Towns were formerly laid out.
                                                And at Benedict-Leonard-Town in Patuxent River, where the Town was
                                                      formerly erected.
Baltimore County,               At Whetstone-Neck, in Patapsco River.
                                                 Upon the Land called Chillberry, in Bush-River.
                                                 And a Town on Forster-Neck, on Gunpowder River. 
Somerset County,                 On the North Side of Wiccomoco River, on the Wood-land Reach, below
                                                     Daniel Hast Creek.
                                                 At Rehoboth, on Pocomoke River.
                                                 At Snow-Hill, where the Towns were formerly erected..
                                                 On a Point of Land, lying in the Fork of Monokin River, where Capt.
                                                     Henry Smith formerly lived, sometime called the White-House.
                                                 And at Clebourne's Creek, in Annimessex,
Talbot County,                      At Oxford, formerly erected into a Port and Town.
                                                 At Duncaster in Wye River.
                                                 At Kingstown in Great Choptank.
Cæcil County,                       At Capt. John's Creek, where a Town was formerly laid out.
                                                 In Elk River.   And,
                                                 The Land belonging to Isaac Calk, in Sassafras River.
Dorchester County,             Cambridge in Great Choptank,
                                                 Isington, in Little Choptank,                       where Towns were
                                                 Little Yarmouth, in Transquakin River,            formerly laid out
                                                 And at the Emperor's Landing, in Nanticoke River.
Pr. George's County,           At the Land of William Mills, in Patuxent River.
                                                At Mattapanye Landing, on the Land of Thomas Brooke, esq;
                                                At Mount-Calvert, where the Court-house stands.
                                                At the Upper Landing in the Western Branch, commonly called Col.
                                                      Belt's Landing.
                                                At the Upper Landing in the Northern Branch, on the West Side of
                                                      the said Branch, commonly called Anderson's Landing.   And,
                                                At Broad-Creek, in Patowmack River, on the South Side of the said
                                                      Creek, at Thomas Lewis's  Landing.
Queen-Anne's County,        At Courseca-Creek, upon the Plantation where Robert Smith, Esq; now
                                                At Broad-Creek, upon Kent-Island, where the same Town was formerly
                                                      laid out.
(2.)  Out of which the following Places, and no others, shall be reputed and appointed Ports, viz.
, in Ann-Arundel County.
                                                St. Mary's Town, in Patowmack.
At Chester-Town, upon Joce's Land, in Chester River.
PORTS.                                  Green-Hill-Town, in Somerset County, below Daniel Hast Creek, in       
                                                 At the Town of Oxford, in Great Choptank.
                                                 And at Beckwith's Island, in Patuxent River.

(3.)  Commissioners appointed for the several Counties, to execute the Powers and Authorities
given them according to the Rules, &c. in this Act prescribed, as well for purchasing the aforesaid
Town Lands, Ports and Places, as for surveying the same, and marking and staking out the 
several Lots to be laid out in the said Towns, to the End that the Length, Breadth, and Extent
of every Town, &c. and Lots therein, may be better known and observed.  (4.)  The Commissioners
for each County, or major Part of them, impowered to met before the 1st September
1706, upon the respective lands and Places in this Act mentioned, and then and there to treat
and agree with the Owners, &c. for 100 Acres of Land; and, after Purchase, to cause the same
to be surveyed, laid out, marked, staked, an divided into convenient Streets, Lanes, &c. with

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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 167   View pdf image (33K)
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