JOHN SEYMOUR, Esq; Governor.
1704. |
from other public Roads, shall be marked with Three Notches of equal
at the Entrance into the same. And these Rules and Methods, the several
Justices of the County Courts, shall; from Time to Time, give in Charge
to the Overseers of the Highways, by them to be appointed for that Purpose;
who are likewise enjoined carefully and strictly to observe and perform
same, under the Penalty aforesaid.
* Commonly called Oxford. See the Act of 1695,
ch. .
VI. And where
any Road shall lead through any Seated Plantation or Old
Fields, Be it Enacted by the Authority
aforesaid, by and with the Advice and
Consent aforesaid, That the several and respective Overseers, within
their several
and respective Precincts, do set up Ports, so many as may be perceived
from one to the other; which Ports shall be marked and notched according
to the Place they lead to, as before in this Act, for the Marking and Notching
of Roads, have been appointed: And that the Posts of all Gates, through
which any such Road shall lead as aforesaid, be marked and notched as aforesaid,
under the Penalty aforesaid; any thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding.
And that the said Overseers, shall, from Time to Time, as
often as Occasion shall require, fall all dead Trees on each Side of all
Roads, whose Limbs hang over the Road, to prevent any Damage that may
happen by their falling on Travellers.
Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY
Roads leading
through Seated
to be
by marked
Gate Posts to
be marked.
Dead Trees
to be felled. |
An Act prohibiting all Masters of Ships or Vessels, or any other
Persons, from
transporting or conveying away any Person or Persons
out of this Province without
Passes. Lib. LL. N° 3. fol. 38.
REP. 1715, ch. 49, and 1719, ch. 16. |
Passed 3d of
October 1704. |
A new Law made 1715, ch. 19.
An Act relating to Servants and Slaves. Lib. LL. N°
3. fol. 40. REP. 1715,
ch. 49; and 1719, ch. 16. |
Ditto. |
A new Law made 1715, ch. 44
An Act for quieting of Possessions, enrolling of Conveyances, and
securing the Estates
of Purchasers. Lib. LL. N° 3. fol. 50.
REP. 1715, ch. 49; and
1719, ch. 16. |
Ditto. |
A new Law made 1715, ch. 47.
An Act for the speedy Trial of Criminals, and ascertaining their
Punishments in
the County Courts, when prosecuted there. Lib.
LL. N° 3. fol. 56. REP.
1715, ch. 49; and 1719, ch.
16. |
Ditto. |
A new law made 1715, ch. 26.
An Act for ordering and regulating the Militia of this Province,
for the better
Defence and Security thereof. Lib. LL. N°
3. fol. 60.
The original Act was burned with the
Court-house, before it had been compared with the Record,
and was therefore (among others)
re-enacted in December Session this Year, ch, 87.
Ditto. |
An ACT for laying an Imposition on several Commodities Exported
out of this Province. Lib. LL. N° 3.
fol. 67.
Ditto. |
Be it Enacted by the Queen's
most excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice
and Consent of her majesty's Governor, Council, and
Assembly of this Province,
and the Authority of the same, That from and after the Publication
hereof, no Person or Persons whatsoever, inhabiting or residing within
this Province, shall Export any * Furs or Skins, within this Act hereafter
mentioned and expressed, but what he, she or they, shall pay unto her sacred
Majesty, her Heirs and Successors (to be employed towards the maintaining
of a Free-School or Schools within this Province) the several Duties and
hereafter following (That is to say) for every Bear-Skin, Nine Pence
The Duties
arising from
this Act, to
be employed
towards the
of Free-Schools. |