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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 105   View pdf image (33K)
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how to be


Their Power 
to bestow or

and to make
Laws, &c.
for the
Government of
the Schools.



and at all Times hereafter, apply all Lands, Tenements, Rents, Annuities,
Goods, Chattels, Profits, Incomes, or Advantages whatsoever, real or personal,
or as much as shall not be laid out and bestowed upon Building the said Free-School
or Schools as aforesaid, as shall be hereafter expressed.

    III. And, That when the said Free-School or Schools, shall be so erected
and established, the said Francis Nicholson, and other the Trustees above
named, or the major Part of the longest Livers of them, shall apply and appropriate
to the Use, Benefit and Maintainance, out of the Revenues or Incomes
to the said Trustees for the Use aforesaid, the Sum of One Hundred
and Twenty Pounds Sterling per Annum, for the Salary, Support and Maintainance
of the said first mentioned Free-School, Master, Usher and Scribe,
and the necessary Repairs and Improvements of the same, as to the said Francis
Nicholson, and trustees aforesaid, the major part or Survivors of them, shall
seem expedient from Time to Time to ordain in the Premises.

    IV. And, That for the Uses and Purposes aforesaid, they the said Francis
Nicholson, and the Trustees aforesaid, the Survivors, or the major Part of them,
shall, and may be incorporated into a Body Politic, by the Name of the Rectors,
Governors, Trustees and Visitors of the FREE-SCHOOLS of MARYLAND;
with full power to plead and be impleaded, to sue and be sued, to defend and
be defended, to answer and be answered, in all and every Cause, Complaint
and Action, real, personal or mixt, of whatsoever Kind or Nature it shall be,
whatsoever Courts and Places of Judicature belonging to your Majesty, your
Heirs or Successors, or by, from, or under your Royal Grant or Authority.

    V.  And, That your Majesty will be graciously pleased to give and grant
your special Licence, as far as your Majesty see expedient, to the said Francis
Nicholson, Esq; and the other Trustees aforesaid, that they, or any of them,
or that any Person or Persons whatsoever, after the said Free-School or Schools
is, or are to be erected, founded and established, or before, may have Power to 
give and grant, assign and bequeath all or any Manor, Lands, Tenements,
Rents, Services, Portions, Annuities, Pensions, Inheritances, Franchises and
Possessions whatsoever, spiritual or temporal, to the value of Fifteen Hundred
Pounds Sterling per Year, besides all Burthens, Reprisals, and Reparations,
to them the said Francis Nicholson, and others the Governors, Trustees,
and Visitors of the said Free-Schools of Maryland, the major Part or Survivors
of them incorporate, for the Uses aforesaid, to them and their Successors for

    VI.  And further, That the said Francis Nicholson, and other the Governors,
Trustees and Visitors aforesaid, the longest Livers and Successors of them, be
the true, sole and undoubted Visitors, Trustees and Governors of the said
Free-School or Schools, in perpetual Succession for ever, to be continued in
the Way and Manner hereafter specified, with full and absolute Power, Liberty
and Authority in making and ordaining such Laws, Orders and Rules,
for the good Government of the said Free-School or Schools, as to them the
said Trustees, Governors and Visitors aforesaid, and their Successors, shall from
Time to Time, according to the various Occasions and Circumstances, seem
most fit and requisite.  All which shall be observed by the Master, Usher,
Tutors and Scholars of the said School, upon the Penalties therein contained.

    VII.  Provided notwithstanding, That the said Rules, Laws and Orders,
be no ways contrary to your Majesty's Prerogative Royal, nor to the Laws 
and Statutes of your Majesty's Kingdom of England, or Province of Maryland
aforesaid, or to the Canons and Constitutions of the Church of England by
Law established.

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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 105   View pdf image (33K)
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