gest and prepare plans for the improvement and man-
agement of the revenue, and for the support of the pub-
lic credit; prepare and report estimates of the revenue
and expenditures of the State; superintend and enforce
the prompt collection of all taxes and revenue; adjust and
settle on terms, prescribed by law, with delinquent col-
lectors and receivers of taxes and State revenue; preserve
all public accounts; decide on the forms of keeping and
stating accounts; grant under regulations, prescribed by
law, all warrants for money to be paid out of the Treas-
ury, in pursuance of appropriations by law; and coun-
tersign all checks drawn by the Treasurer upon any bank
or banks, in which the moneys of the State may, from
time to time, be deposited; prescribe the formalities of
the transfer of stock, or other evidence of the State debt,
and countersign the same, without which, such evidences
shall not be valid; he shall make to the General Assembly
full reports of all the proceedings, and of the state of the
Treasury Department, within ten days after the com-
mencement of each session; and perform such other duties
as shall be prescribed by law.
SEC. 3. The Treasurer shall receive the moneys of the
State, and until otherwise prescribed by law, deposit
them as soon as received, to the credit of the State, in
such bank or banks, as he may from time to time with the
approval of the Governor, select; the said bank, or banks
giving security, satisfactory to the Governor, for the safe-
keeping and forthcoming, when required, of said deposit,
and shall disburse the same for the purpose of the State,
according to law, upon warrants drawn by the Comp-
troller, and on checks countersigned by him, and not
otherwise; he shall take receipts for all moneys paid by
him; and receipts for moneys received by him shall be en-
dorsed upon warrants, signed by the Comptroller; with-
out which warrants, so signed, no acknowledgment of
money received into the Treasury shall be valid; and upon
^warrants, issued by the Comptroller, he shall make ar-
rangements for the payment of the interest of the public
debt; and for the purchase thereof, on account of the
sinking fund. Every bond, certificate, or other evidence
of the debt of the State, shall be signed by the Treasurer,
and countersigned by the Comptroller; and no certificate,
9r other evidence intended to replace another, shall be
issued until the old one shall be delivered to the Treas-
urer, and authority executed in due form for the transfer
of the same filed in his office; and the transfer accord-
ingly made on the books thereof, and the certificates or