SEC. 43. In the event of a vacancy in the office of a
Justice of the Peace, the Governor shall appoint a person
to serve as Justice of the Peace, for the residue of the
term; and in case of a vacancy in the office of Constable,
the County Commissioners of the county in which the
vacancy occurs, or the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more, as the case may be, shall appoint a person to serve
as Constable for the residue of the term.
PART VII. Sheriffs.
SEC. 44. There shall be elected in each County, and in
the City of Baltimore, in every second year, one person,
resident in said County, or City, above the age of twen-
ty-five years, and at least five years preceding his elec-
tion, a citizen of this State, to the office of Sheriff. He
shall hold his office for two years, and until his successor
is duly elected and qualified; shall be ineligible for two
years thereafter; shall give such bond, exercise such pow-
ers, and perform such duties as now are, or may hereafter
be fixed by law. In case of a vacancy by death, resig-
nation, refusal to serve, or neglect to qualify, or give
bond, or by disqualification, or removal from the County,
or City, the Governor shall appoint a person to be Sheriff
for the remainder of the official term.
SEC. 45. Coroners, Elisors and Notaries Public may be
appointed for each county, and the city of Baltimore, in
the manner, for the purpose, and with the powers now
fixed, or which may hereafter be prescribed by law.
SECTION 1. There shall be an Attorney-General elected
by the qualified voters of the State, on general ticket, on
the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of
November, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and on the
same day in every fourth year thereafter, who shall hold
his office for four years from the time of his election and
qualification, and until his successor is elected and quali-
fied, and shall be re-eligible thereto, and shall be subject
to removal for incompetency, wilful neglect of duty, or
misdemeanor in office, on conviction in a court of law.
SEC. 2. All elections for Attorney-General shall be cer-
tified to, and returns made thereof by the Clerks of the
Circuit Courts of the several counties, and the Clerk of