, SEC. 38. The Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas
shall have authority to issue within said city, all marriage
and other licenses required by law, subject to such pro-
visions as are now, or may be prescribed by law. The
Clerk of the Superior Court of said city, shall receive and
record all deeds, conveyances, and other papers, which
are, or may be required by law, to be recorded in said
city. He shall also have custody of all papers connected
with the proceedings on the law or equity side of Balti-
more County Court, and of the dockets thereof, so far as
the same have relation to the city of Baltimore; and shall
also discharge the duties of Clerk to the Supreme Bench
of Baltimore city, unless otherwise provided by law.
SEC. 39. The General Assembly shall, whenever it may
think the same proper and expedient, provide by Law an-
other Court for the City of Baltimore, and prescribe its
jurisdiction and powers; in which case there shall be
elected by the voters of said City, qualified under this
Constitution, another Judge of the Supreme Bench of
Baltimore City, who shall be subjejct to the same con-
stitutional provisions, hold his office for the same term
of years, receive the same compensation, and have the
same powers as are herein provided for the Judges of said
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City; and all of the pro-
visions of this Constitution relating to the assignment
of Judges to the Courts, now existing in said City, and
for the dispatch of business therein, shall apply to the
Court, for whose creation provision is made by this Sec-
tion. And the General Assembly may reapportion, change
or enlarge the jurisdiction of the several Courts in Bal-
timore City. Until otherwise provided by Law, the Clerk
of the Superior Court of Baltimore City, of the Court of
Common Pleas, of the Circuit Court of Baltimore City,
of the Baltimore City Court, and of the Criminal Court
of Baltimore, shall each give Bond in such penalty as is
now prescribed by Law, to be given by the Clerks of the
Courts bearing the same names under the present Con-
Part V. Orphans Court
SEC. 40. The qualified voters of the city of Baltimore,
and of the several counties, shall, on the Tuesday next
after the first Monday in November next, and on the same
day in every fourth year thereafter, elect three men to
be Judges of the Orphans' Court of said city and coun-
ties, respectively, who shall be citizens of the State, and