during their term of office; but authority is hereby given
to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to pay to
each of the said judges an annual addition of five hundred
dollars to their respective salaries; provided, that the
same, being1 once granted, shall not be diminished, nor in-
creased during the continuance of said judges in office.
SEC. 32. It shall be the duty of the said Supreme
Bench of Baltimore City, as soon as the judges thereof
shall be elected and duly qualified, and, from time to time,
to provide for the holding of each of the aforesaid courts,
by the assignment of one or more of their number to each
of the said courts, who may sit either, separately or to-
gether, in the trial of cases; and the said Supreme Bench
of Baltimore City may, from time to time, change the
said assignment, as circumstances may require, and the
public interest may demand, and the judge, or judges, so
assigned to the several courts, shall, when holding the
same, have all the powers and exercise all the jurisdic-
tion, which may belong to the court so being held; and
it shall also be the duty of the said Supreme Bench of
Baltimore City, in case of the sickness, absence, or dis-
ability of any judge, or judges, assigned as aforesaid, to
provide for the hearing of the cases, or transaction of the
business assigned to said judge, or judges, as aforesaid,
before some one or more of the judges of said court.
SEC. 33. The said Supreme Bench of Baltimore City
shall have power, and it shall be its duty, to provide for
the holding of as many general terms as the performance
of its duties may require, such general terms to be held
by not less than three judges; to make all needful rules
and regulations for the conduct of business in each of the
said courts, during the session thereof, and in vacation,
or in chambers, before any of said judges; and shall also
have jurisdiction to hear and determine all motions for a
new trial in cases tried in any of said courts, where such
motions arise either on questions of fact, or for misdi-
rection upon any matters of law, and all motions in arrest
of judgment, or upon any matters of law determined by
the said judge, or judges, while holding said several
courts; and the said Supreme Bench of Baltimore City
shall make all needful rules and regulations for the hear-
ing before it of all said matters; and the same right of
appeal to the Court of Appeals shall be allowed from the
determination of the said court on such matters, as would
have been the right of the parties if said matters had
been decided by the court, in which said cases were tried.