ing any civil office of profit or trust, under this State, ex-
cept Justices of the Peace, shall be eligible as Senator, or
SEC. 12. No collector, receiver or holder of public
money shall be eligible as Senator or Delegate, or to any
office of profit or trust, under this State, until he shall
have accounted for, and paid into the Treasury all sums
on the books thereof charged to and due by him.
SEC. 13. In case of death, disqualification, resignation,
refusal to act, expulsion, or removal from the county, or
city, for which he shall have been elected, of any person,
who shall have been chosen as a Delegate, or Senator, or
in case of a tie between two or more such qualified per-
sons, a warrant of election shall be issued by the Speaker
of the House of Delegates, or President of the Senate, as
the case may be, for the election of another person in his
place, of which election not less than ten days' notice shall
be given, exclusive of the day of the publication of the
notice, and of the day of election; and, if during the re-
cess of the Legislature, and more than ten days before
its termination, such death shall occur, or such resigna-
tion, refusal to act, or disqualification, be communicated
in writing to the Governor by the person so resigning, re-
fusing, or disqualified, it shall be the duty of the Gov-
ernor to issue a warrant of election to supply the vacancy
thus created, in the same manner the said Speaker or
President might have done during the session of the Gen-
eral Assembly; provided, however, that unless a meeting
of the General Assembly may intervene, the election thus
ordered to fill such vacancy, shall be held on the day of
the ensuing election for Delegates and Senators.
SEC. 14. The General Assembly shall meet on the first
Wednesday of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight,
and on the same day in every second year thereafter, and
at no other time, unless convened by Proclamation of the
SEC. 15. The General Assembly may continue its ses-
sion so long, as, in its judgment, the public interest may
require, for a period not longer than ninety days; and
each member thereof, shall receive a compensation of five
dollars per diem, for every day he shall attend the session;
but not for such days as he may be absent, unless absent on
account of sickness, or by leave of the House of which he
is a member; and he shall also receive such mileage as
may be allowed by law, not exceeding twenty cents per