by the Governor, till the end of the official term of the
Governor, from whom he received his appointment, and
receive as annual salary of two thousand dollars, and
shall reside at the seat of government; and the office of
Private Secretary shall henceforth cease.
SEC. 23. The Secretary of State shall carefully keep
and preserve a record of all official acts and proceedings,
(which may at all times be inspected by a committee of
either branch of the Legislature), and he shall perform
such other duties as may be prescribed by law, or as may
properly belong to his office, together with all clerical duty
belonging to the Executive Department.
SECTION 1. The Legislature shall consist of two dis-
tinct branches -a Senate, and a House of Delegates, and
shall be styled the General Assembly of Maryland.
SEC. 2. Each County in the State, and each of the
three Legislative Districts of Baltimore City, as they are
now, or may hereafter be defined, shall be entitled to one
Senator, who shall be elected by the qualified voters of
the Counties and of the Legislative Districts of Baltimore
City, respectively, and shall serve for four years from
the "date" "of his election, subject to the classification of
Senators, hereafter provided for.
SEC. 3. Until the taking and publishing of the next
National Census, or until the enumeration of the popu-
lation of this State, under the authority, thereof, the sev-
eral counties, and the city of Baltimore, shall have rep-
resentation in the House of Delegates, as follows: Alle-
gany County, five Delegates; Anne Arundel County, three
Delegates; Baltimore County, six Delegates; each of the
three Legislative Districts of the city of Baltimore, six
Delegates; Calvert County, two Delegates; Caroline Coun-
ty, two Delegates; Carroll County, four Delegates; Cecil
County, four Delegates; Charles County, two Delegates;
Dorchester County, three Delegates; Frederick County,
six Delegates; Harford County, four Delegates; Howard
County, two Delegates; Kent County, two Delegates;
Montgomery County, three Delegates; Prince George's
County, three Delegates; Queen Anne's County, two Dele-
gates; St. Mary's County, two Delegates; Somerset Coun-
ty, three Delegates; Talbot County, two Delegates; Wash-