SEC. 6. In case of the death or resignation of the Gov-
ernor, or of his removal from the State, or other disquali-
fication, the General Assembly, if in session, or, if not, at
their next session, shall elect some other qualified person
to be Governor for the residue of the term for which the
said Governor had been elected.
SEC. 7. In case of any vacancy in the office of Gov-
ernor, during the recess of the Legislature, the President
of the Senate shall discharge the duties of said office until
a Governor is elected, as herein provided for; and in case
of the death or resignation of the said President, or of
his removal from the State, or of his refusal to serve, then
the duties of said office shall, in like manner, and for the
same interval, devolve upon the Speaker of the House of
Delegates; and the Legislature may provide by Law for
the impeachment of the Governor, and in case of his con-
viction, or his inability, may declare what person shall
perform the Executive duties; and for any vacancy in
said office not herein provided for, provision may be made
by Law; and if such vacancy should occur without such
provision being made, the Legislature shall be convened
by the Secretary of State for the purpose of filling said
SEC. 8. The Governor shall be the Commander-in-
chief of the land and naval forces of the State, and may
call out the Militia to repel invasions, suppress insurrec-
tions, and enforce the execution of the Laws; but shall
not take the command in person without the consent of
the Legislature.
SEC. 9. He shall take care that the Laws are faith-
fully executed.
SEC. 10. He shall nominate, and by and with the ad-
vice and consent of the Senate, appoint all civil and mili-
tary officers of the State, whose appointment or election
is not otherwise herein provided for; unless a different
mode of appointment be prescribed by the law creating
the office.
SEC. 11. In case of any vacancy, during the recess of
the Senate, in any office, which the Governor has power to
fill, he shall appoint some suitable person to said office,
whose commission shall continue in force until the end
of the next session of the Legislature, or until some other
person is appointed to the same office, whichever shall
first occur; and the nomination of the person thus ap-
pointed during the recess, or of some other person in his