Vice-President of the United States, or Representative in
Congress, or for any office of profit or trust, created by
the Constitution or Laws of this State, or by the Ordi-
nances or authority of the Mayor and City Council of Bal-
timore, the person giving, or offering to give, and the per-
son receiving the same, and any person who gives, or
causes to be given, an illegal vote, knowing it to be such,
at any election to be held hereafter in this State, shall, on
conviction in a Court of Law, in addition to the penalties
now or hereafter to be imposed by law, be forever dis-
qualified to hold any office of profit or trust, or to vote at
any election thereafter.
SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the General Assembly
to pass Laws to punish, with fine and imprisonment, any
person who shall remove into any election district, or pre-
cinct of any ward in the city of Baltimore, not for the pur-
pose of acquiring a bona fide residence therein, but for the
purpose of voting at an approaching election, or who shall
vote in any election dictrict, or ward, in which he does not
reside, (except in the case provided for in this Article),
or shall, at the same election, vote in more than one elec-
tion district or precinct, or shall vote or offer to vote in
any name not his own, or in place of any other person of
the same name, or shall vote in any county in which he
does not reside.
SEC. 5. the General Assembly shall provide by law for
a uniform Registration of the names of all the voters in
this State who possesses the qualifications prescribed in
this Article; which Registration shall be conclusive evi-
dence to the Judges of election of the right of every per-
son, thus registered, to vote at any election thereafter
held in this State; but no person shall vote at any elec-
tion, Federal or State, hereafter1 to be held in this State,
or at any municipal election in the city of Baltimore, un-
less his name appears in the list of registered voters; and
until the Genral Assembly shall hereafter pass an Act
for the Registration of the names of voters, the law in
force on the first day of June, in the year eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-seven, in reference thereto, shall be con-
tinued in force, except so far as it may be inconsistent
with the provisions of this Constitution; and the registry
of voters, made in pursuance thereof, may be corrected
as provided in said law; but the names of all persons
shall be added to the list of qualified voters by the offi-
cers of Registration, who have the qualifications,pre-
scribed in the first section of this Article, and who are not