Art. 42. That no title of nobility, or hereditary hon-
ors, ought to be granted in this State.
Art. 43. That the Legislature ought to encourage'the
diffusion of knowledge and virtue, the extension of a ju-
dicious system of general education, the promotion of lit-
erature, the arts, sciences, agriculture, commerce and
manufactures, and the general melioration of the con-
dition of the people.
Art. 44. That the provisions of the Constitution of the
United Statess and of this State, apply as well in time of
war as in time of peace; and any departure therefrom, or
violation thereof, under the plea of necessity, or any other
plea, is subversive of good government, and tends to an-
archy and despotism.
Art. 45. This enumeration of Rights shall not be con-
strued to impair, or deny others retained by the People.