of agents and tax-gatherers, at great expense to the peo-
ple, have to be maintained to gather from them the
means to pay the interest, much less the principal. Every
branch of industry feels the burden; every transaction,
great or small, has some burden upon it; property is
burdened; the earnings of toil, whether of body or mind,
is visited; the home that shelters is taxed; the garments
we wear are taxed; the bread that satisfies our hunger is
taxed; everything is taxed. No man is so much dreaded
and shunned as the tax-gatherer. The rich hide them-
selves to escape his inquisitorial visits. The poor meet
him with sad and angry countenance. His presence is
everywhere and among all men, like the blight that kills
and the pestilence that desolates, and leaves little else
than grief and suffering.
A resolution requesting the Governor to call the atten-
tion of the Attorney General to the abuse of corporate
authority by the mayor and city council of Baltimore ac-
companies the report.