This took place in two large and communicating dining-
rooms in the second story, and was decidedly a grand af-
fair. The tables literally groaned under the weight of
flesh, fish and fowl, and without much ceremony a most
vigorous attack was made by the company. Governor
Swann sat at the head of the table, with the President
on his right and the Secretary of State on the left, whilst
on either side was John W. Garrett, Esq., John M. Car-
ter, Esq., the officers of the State Militia, members of the
Convention, and others. The dinner was regarded as one
of the most brilliant affairs of the kind that has taken
place in Annapolis for many years. After the removal
of the cloth toasts were drunk to the President, the Gov-
ernor, and others, all of which were briefly but felicitously
responded to. When about drinking to the health of Mr.
Seward it was found that he had quietly slipped off, and
on making inquiry it was ascertained that feeling so much
invigorated by the morning's trip on the Chesapeake he
had made arrangements with Admiral Porter to take his
steamier and proceed to Washington by way of the Po-
tomac, and he had actually embarked almost before he
was missed from the table.
A number of the members of the Convention and others
embarked at 5 P. M. on board the Pentz, which, it is prop-
er to state, was cordially tendered for the use of the
President and party by the Individual Steamboat Line,
and reached Baltimore in good time. The President re-
mained with the Governor until 8 P. M., when he left in
a special train for Washington, provided by Mr. Garrett,
who accompanied him, with the Governor, to Annapolis
Junction, whence the President and the remainder of his
suite proceeded to the capital. The Governor and others
reached Baltimore, with Mr. Garrett, in his private car,
shortly after 10 P. M., and thus ended a happy and joy-
ous day, the incidents of which will hereafter become a
part ef the history of the State.