solute, or the machinery will not work smoothly. [Ap-
Pardon me for trespassing thus long on this Conven-
tion. I repeat again to you, sir, your Executive, the chair-
man of this committee, and to the members of the Con-
vention, my sincere thanks, my profound gratitude for
the welcome you have extended to me on this occasion.
[Prolonged applause.]
Loud calls were then made for Mr. Seward, who, though
seeming reluctant to respond, finally yielded, and was in-
troduced by Hon. Isaac D. Jones, chairman of the com-
Mr. Seward said: People of Maryland, after the very
impressive and touching speech which has been made to
you by the chief, with whom I have co-operated and
served in the administration of the government, I feel
that it is uncalled for in me to open my lips here. He
has called us back to those cardinal periods in the history
of our country when the leader of the armies of the
United States delivered up his sword to the convention,
and when the nation gathered the results of the war of
independence. Those were great events, and there went
forth from the convention a summons which brought to-
gether that most marvelous body of statesmen, by whom
a constitution was made for thirteen States, which Provi-
dence has destined to become an example for the world.
This is no time and no place for me to speak, but since
your persevering kindness will call for an utterance from
me what I have to say ought not to be upon the topics that
have been discussed, but upon something which may have
the germ of truth in it, although neither new nor original.
But I will so far forget my reluctance as to say a few
words in an entirely new character. We don't know or
see ourselves as others see us. Many people in Maryland,
many North and South, will be surprised when I say that,.
to my best recollection and knowledge, and appealing to
the Almighty Judge, I have never before spoken in the
character of a sectional statesman. I have spoken always
with a view simply to the maintenance of this country as
one whole country. [Applause.]