me, my faith is strong that "truth is mighty and will ul-
timately prevail." [Great cheering.] And though I may
go down, the proud consolation in my last moments, that
of knowing that I have done my duty, will be an ample
reward. [Renewed cheering.] But I have said more
than I intended to say upon receiving this cordial wel-
come to the State of Maryland. God bless it! [Applause.]
Washington in his farewell address has left his ad-
monitions to us. I am proud, am gratified, that I have it
in my power here today to stand beneath the roof where
that great man, that good man, constituting almost the
exception to the world, after having conducted our infant
armies through the revolution, after having with them
slept in the bleak winds, exposed to an inclement sky,
tracked by the blood trickling from their feet, after hav-
ing passed through all this and laid the basis of the gov-
ernment—here beneath this roof it was that George
Washington set the great example of love of constitu-
tional government and of law and of belief in man's
capacity, to govern himself. It was here upon this con-
secrated spot that George Washington lifted the crown
of power from his head and laid it at the feet of the
people. [Great applause.] It was here that George
Washington tendered his resignation as commander-in-
chief of the armies of the colonies as they then stood
It was here that George Washington, not in poetry, not in
well-rounded sentences, but in fact set the example of
sinking tile soldier in the citizen. It was here that he
converted the sword into the plowshare. It was here
where he taught an admiring world that to be truly great
you must be truly good. I would to God that we had his
example imitated in modern times. [Applause.] It was
left for him to perform that great act that stands out
alone and above any other act of any other man that has
ever lived. Hence, I repeat, I am proud to have it in my
power to stand here today and refer to these things that
are so familiar to you all.
For the kindness, for the sympathy, and I think I may
add, (for I have looked upon too many faces to be very
greatly deceived,) for the sincere regard and respect that
has been manifested today for the person who addresses
you, you have my heartfelt thanks. And so long as the