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Proceedings and Debates of the 1867 Constitutional Convention
Volume 74, Volume 1, Debates 492   View pdf image (33K)
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Mr. Maulsby would vote against the order because a
quibble might be raised that it would invalidate the vote
on the constitution.
Mr. Roman would vote no, because he believed, under
the act of Assembly calling this Convention, they had
no right to meet again.
Mr. Syester said this Convention had no right to meet
here under untoward circumstances. The Governor had
the right to call the Legislature together if occasion de-
manded it, and that was the only right that existed.
Mr. Walsh thought the proposition was entirely un-
necessary, and as he considered he had discharged his
duty, he should vote no.
The yeas and nays were demanded, but before they
were announced Mr. Carter, by unanimous consent, with-
drew the order.
The business having all been concluded, at 2. 30 P. M.
Mr. Brooke called for the reading of the resolution of
thanks to the President, passed unanimously by the Con-
vention on Friday, the 16th instant, and it was read by
the Secretary.
The President (Judge Carmichael) then rose and said:
Gentlemen of the Convention: Words are not required
to convey the high sense which fills me of this parting
testimony. Be your hearts my true interpreter, it is an-
other fair flower wave in the chaplet with which your
favor crowned me at the beginning of our session. One
thing I would have you believe truly, that it has been the
constant purpose of my mind to deserve. Whatever of
error or shortcoming was obtained in my administration
of the duties of this high place, this generous vote has
cancelled. I renew and repeat my thanks. You will carry
home with you, individually and collectively, one and all,
and you will possess through life, my sincere regard and
well wishes.
It may be permitted to me to say that the members of
this Convention have borne their relations here to the
State and to each other as became themselves and the
occasion; differing often and earnestly, with the warmth

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Proceedings and Debates of the 1867 Constitutional Convention
Volume 74, Volume 1, Debates 492   View pdf image (33K)
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