The question was then taken on the substitute of Mr.
Barnes, when it was rejected by a vote of 61 to 34.
The question recurring upon the amendment submitted
by Mr. Walsh, it was rejected by a vote of 78 to 18.
On motion of Mr. Barnes, section 2, which had been
passed over informally, was returned to. It is as follows:
Sec. 2. They shall exercise a diligent and faithful su-
pervision of all public works in which the State may be
interested as stockholder or creditor, and shall, except
where herein otherwise provided, appoint the directors in
every railroad or canal company in which the State has
the legal power to appoint directors, which said directors
shall represent the State in all meetings of the stockhold-
ers of every railroad or canal company in which the State
is a stockholder. They shall require the directors of all
said public works (to guard the public interest and pre-
vent the establishment of tolls which shall discriminate
against the interest of the citizens or products of this
State, ) and shall from time to time, and as often as there
shall be any change in the rates of toll on any of the said
works, furnish the said board of public works a schedule
of such modified rates of toll, and so adjust them as to
promote the agricultural interest of the State; they shall
report to the General Assembly at each regular session,
and recommend such legislation as they may deem neces-
sary and requisite to promote or protect the interests of
the State in the said public works; they shall perform
such other duties as may be hereafter prescribed by law,
and a majority of them shall be competent to act. The
Governor, Comptroller and Treasurer shall receive no ad-
ditional salary for services rendered by them as members
of the board of public works.
Mr. Syester submitted the following amendment:
"Strike out all after the word 'creditor, ' in the third line,
to the word 'they, ' in the eighth line, and insert as fol-
lows: And shall represent and vote the stock of the State
of Maryland in all meetings of the stockholders of the
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, and shall appoint the di-
rectors in every railroad and canal company in which the
State have the legal power to appoint directors, which
said directors shall represent the State in all meetings of