the duty that has been imposed upon you in such a man-
ner as to promote the peace and order of the State, and
to reflect lasting honor on yourselves. I trust, gentlemen,
that the proceedings of this Convention will be marked
by that harmony which should prevail among men of
common opinions, and upon an occasion of so great mag-
I bring to this position no experience in reference to
the duties of the chair. I shall have, therefore, gentle-
men, to anticipate that indulgence from the members of
this body which their partiality has disclosed. I thank
you, gentlemen, for the honor you have conferred upon
me. [Applause. ]
On motion of Wm. P. Maulsby, a committee, consisting
of Messrs. Maulsby, R. C. Barry and George M. Gill, was
then appointed to wait on Judge Daniel R. Magruder and
request his attendance for the purpose of administering
the oath of office to the members of the Convention.
On motion of Mr. Wickes, of Kent, a committee of three
was ordered to prepare the form of oath to be submitted
to the members of the Convention.
The Chair then appointed Messrs. Wickes, Brown and
Ritchie as the committee.
Mr. James R. Brewer offered a resolution to provide
for the appointment of a committee to arrange the seats
so that the delegations from the different counties and
the city of Baltimore shall have contiguous seats, but
afterwards withdrew the motion.
The Convention then, at 2. 30 P. M., adjourned until 11
o'clock tomorrow.
It was announced that an informal meeting would be
held tonight in reference to the officers of the Convention.
The Convention met at 11 A. M. The proceedings were
opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Leech, of Annapolis.
After the call of the roll the journal of yesterday's