Arundel county, was requested to act as temporary sec-
retary of the Convention.
On motion of Mr. Jones, the Rev. M. Leech, of An-
napolis, was requested to offer prayer. Mr. Leech being
present, came forward and offered up an appropriate in-
vocation to the Throne of Grace.
On motion of Mr. C. S. Parran, Messrs. C. S. Parran,
T. D. Jones, J. H. Roman, Bernard Carter and J. R. Long-
well were appointed a committee to wait on the Governor
and request an official list of the members of the Con-
The committee appointed to wait on the Governor, re-
turned and reported that they had performed that duty,
and that the Governor would send in a communication to
the Convention.
At 12, 45 P. M, a communication was received from the
Governor, enclosing his official proclamation convening
the Convention, and also an official list of the delegates.
The roll was then called and all the members were
found to be present excepting Thomas J. Hall, of Anne
Arundel; Walter S. Wilkinson, of Baltimore city; Anthony
Kennedy, of Baltimore county; Benjamin W. Bennett, of
Carroll county; John T. Stoddert and Vivian Brent, of
Charles; Col. Jas. Wallace, of Dorchester; Henry D. Far-
nandis, of Harford; Wm. M. Merrick, of Howard; Elbert
G. Emack and John B. Brooke, of Prince George's.
Mr. Jones, of Somerset, moved to adjourn until tomor-
row, at 12 o'clock.
Mr. George M. Gill opposed the motion. The Conven-
tion was here to accomplish the business before it with
the utmost possible dispatch. The people expected them
to go to work as speedily as possible. He therefore hoped
that the Convention would proceed to the election of a
presiding officer at once, and that the oath would be ad-
ministered to the members.
Mr. Jones thought the preliminary business of the Con-
vention-could best be perfected in an informal meeting.
There were a number of officers to be appointed, and a
meeting could be held tonight to fix upon them.