of $3, 500 per annum, with authority to the
Mayor and City Council to pay $500 per annum
additional out of the city treasury. It is made
the duty of the Supreme Bench, as soon as the
judges shall be elected and duly qualified, to pro-
vide for the holding of the aforesaid courts by
the assignment of one or more of their number
to each, and they may change the assignment
as circumstances may require and the public in-
terests may demand, and the judges so assigned
shall have all the powers and exercise all the
jurisdiction which may belong to the court being
held. The Supreme Bench is also to have juris-
diction to hear and determine all motions for a
new trial in cases tried in any of the city courts,
where such motions arise either on questions of
fact or for misdirection upon any matters of law,
and all motions in arrest of judgment, or upon
any matter of law determined by the judges.
Decisions of the judge of the City Court in ap-
peals from justices of the peace are to be final.
Five clerks are to be elected, to hold office for
six years, who shall receive a salary of $3, 500
per annum.
The judges of the five single Baltimore city
courts provided for are together to constitute
the Supreme Bench. Power is also given to the
General Assembly to provide, whenever it deems
it expedient, another court for the city of Balti-
more, the judge of which shall be subject to the
same constitutional provisions as the other
judges of the Supreme Bench. A judge of the
Court of Appeals is also to be selected by the
voters of the city of Baltimore, and any five of
the eight judges of appeals will constitute a
competent court.
The Attorney General of the State will, as
now, be elected by the people, as will also the
clerk of the Court of Appeals, who has hereto-
fore been appointed by the judges of that court.
The appointment of the State Librarian, which
has been vested in the Legislature, is given to
the Governor. The Governor will also appoint
the Commissioner of the General Land Office,
whose salary is reduced to $1, 500, and who is