deem best, nor shall this article be so construed or taken
as to make the political corporation of Baltimore inde-
pendent or free from the control which the General As-
sembly of Maryland has over all such corporations in this
At eleven o'clock the President and his party were es-
corted into the hall, and took seats in front of the Presi-
dent's chair. *
The ceremonies having ended, the Convention, in ac-
cordance with a resolution previously adopted, took a re-
cess until the 10th of July.
The Convention met at 10 1/2 o'clock, pursuant to ad-
journment on June 30th. Hon. R. B. Carmichael, presi-
dent, in the chair. After prayer by Rev. Mr. Hammond,
the roll was called, when seventy-one members (being a
quorum) answered to their names.
The unfinished business, being the report of the com-
mittee on the legislative department, was taken up, sec-
tion 39 being under consideration, which was read and
passed over without amendment. This section declares
that the property of the wife shall be protected from the
debts of her husband.
Section 40 was read and passed over without amend-
ment. It provides that laws shall be passed by the Gen-
eral Assembly to protect from execution a reasonable
amount of the property of the debtor, not exceeding in
value the sum of $500.
Sections 41, 42 and 43 were read and passed over with-
out amendment.
Section 44 was read and passed over informally.
Section 45 was read and passed over without amend-
Section 46 was read. It inflicts a penalty on members
of the Legislature and parties offering bribes.
*For detailed account of the ceremonies see page 495.