Messrs. Brewer of Montgomery, Brooke, Dent, Duvall,
Emach, Ford, Giddings, Goldsborough of Dorchester, Hall,
Hodson, Horsey of Somerset, Ireland, Jamison, Lee, Mar-
bury, Massey, Mitchell, Morris, C. S. Parran, John Parran,
Peters, Reynolds, Rider, Riggs, Stoddert, Tarr of Worces-
ter and Watkins of Montgomery.
Mr. Rider submitted the following as a substitute.
"The Legislature shall issue no bonds nor contract any
debt in the name of the State, to pay for the slaves eman-
cipated by the Convention of 1864. "
Mr. Dent submitted an amendment to strike out all
after the word "but, " and insert, "shall take such steps
as may be deemed necessary to urge upon the United
States such aid in compensation for emancipation in this
State as was pledged by the passage of the joint resolu-
tion passed by the Congress of the United States, April
10, 1862, and shall pass such laws as may be necessary
for the distribution of such aid as may be received from
the United States for that purpose. "
Mr. Stoddert again took the floor in favor of State com-
pensation, and claimed that a precedent had been set by
paying from the State treasury damages to Reverdy John-
son for mob violence in 1837.
The substitute of Mr. Rider was rejected.
The amendment of Mr. Dent was then adopted by yeas
37, nays 30.
No further amendments being offered, sections 34 and
35 were read and passed over without amendment.
Section 36 was read.
Mr. Archer moved to strike out all after the word "com-
pensation. "
Considerable debate ensued, and without action the
Convention adjourned.
[The sum agreed upon yesterday which may be appro-
priated in aid of internal improvements in Charles, St.
Mary's and Calvert counties, is $500, 000. ]