The substitute was opposed by Messrs. McKaig and
Kilbourn, and advocated by Mr. Tarr. Pending action,
the Convention adjourned.
Convention met at 10 o'clock. Prayer by the Rev. Mr.
Mr. Bradley submitted the following:
Ordered, That when the Convention adjourns on Fri-
day next, the 21st instant, it stand adjourned until Tues-
day, the 9th of July, at noon, to enable the members of
the Convention who are farmers to attend to their har-
vest, and that the pay of the members and officers of the
Convention cease during the recess.
Mr. Thomas submitted the following as a substitute:
Ordered, That when the Convention adjourns on Thurs-
day, the 27th instant, it stands adjourned until Tuesday,
the 16th day of July, at 12 o'clock M., to enable the mem-
bers of the Convention who are farmers to attend to their
harvest, and the pay of the members and officers cease
during the recess.
Mr. Mitchell offered a substitute that when the Con-
vention adjourned on Friday next, it be until the 16th of
Considerable debate ensued on this subject, when Mr.
Wethered offered the following:
Ordered, That the secretary be directed to call the roll
of the Convention, and each member answer whether he
is willing to remain, in order to ascertain what number
of members can attend the sessions of the Convention.
Pending the debate the morning hour expired, when
the unfinished business came up in regular order, being
the report of the committee on the elective franchise
and the qualification of voters, section three being under
The pending question being on the substitute offered
yesterday by Mr. Tarr, of Caroline, it was rejected, as was
also the proposed amendment of Mr. Jones.