County Commissioners of the several Counties of this State be-
requested to report at the earliest practicable day to this
Convention the several amounts of money levied and paid to
the Clerks of the Cirtuifc Courts, in each year from 1852 to
1866, inclusive." I have the honor to report that the Board
of Commissioners for this County levied and paid to the
Clerks of the Circuit Courts the several amounts of money,
for the years herein specified, viz : for the year 1853, the
sum of $190 89; and for 1854, the sum of $1216 22; and
for 1855, the sum of $1015 00; and for 1856, the sum of
$1016 04; and for 1857, the sum of $1131 09; and for 1858,
the sum of $1316 99; and for 1859, the sum of $1079 65 ;
and for 1860, the sum of $1173 09; and for 1861, the sum
of $1025 38; and for 18.62, the sum of $1169 42; and for
1863, the sum of $1157 32; and for 1864, the sum of $11-
16 21; and for 1865, the sum of $1659 61; and for 1866,.
the sum of $1733 19.
I am, very respectfully,
Your obed't serv't,
Towsontown, May 20, 1867.
President Constitutional Convention:
Sir :—In response to your order, passed the 15th inst.,
requiring a statement of the amounts of money levied and
paid to the Clerks of the Circuit Court of this county in each
year from 1852 to 1866, inclusive, I respectfully state that
the Clerk's fees are estimated with the other Court expenses,
and no particular amount levied for their special use.
The following table will show the amounts paid to Clerks,
of the Circuit Court from 1852 to 1866, inclusive :
1852................................................. $723 05
1853................................................. 701 25
1854................................................. 178 05
1855................................................. 1049 11
1856................................................. 235 20
1857................................................. 1393 59
1858................................................. 975 26
1859................................................. 3753 75.