WATKINS, W. H.—Appeared, 4.
Qualified, 11.
Excused from voting, 690.
Qualified, 11.
WATKINS, THOS. G.—Appointed and qualified as Assist-
ant Folder, 125.
WATSON, A.—Memorial from, on subject of Nepotism, 125.
WELLING, JAS,, President of St. John's College—Use of
Hall granted him to lecture on Pompeii, &c., 434.
WETHERED, JOHN—Appeared, 4.
Qualified, 11.
Absent on account of sickness in his family, 178,
WICOMICO COUNTY—Petitions of J. C. Bell and others
relative to formation of, 196, 253, 254, 330, 331,
332, 356, 389.
Committee on Judiciary Department discharged
from consideration of Petitions, 287.
Referred to Special Committee, 287, 288, 293,
Report of Committee, 418, 419.
Proceedings on, 497, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513,
515, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529.
Order to engross, 530, 531, 532.
Reported without amendment, 654.
Proceedings on, passed, 654, 655.
Report of minority. 437, 438, 512.—See The
Constitution, this vol., Article VIII, New Counties
WHITMAN, EZRA—Appeared, 4.
Qualified, 11.
WICKES, JOS. A.—Appeared, 4.
Qualified, 11.
WILKINSON, W. S.—Appeared, 4.
Qualified, 11.
Appointed temporary Secretary, 433.