To report aggregate amount of assessable prop-
erty, 72; reported, 121, 122.
To report amount paid on account of Registra-
tion of Voters, 135; reported, 194.
TARR, CHARLES E.—Appeared, 4.
Qualified, 11.
Leave of absence granted, 145.
Excused from voting, 242.
TARR, HOPKINS J.—Appeared, 4.
Qualified, 11.
TAXATION—Basis of, Committee on the Legislative De-
partment to consider and report a provision fixing
a maximum of, beyond the revenue of which.no ap-
propriation to be made until submitted to the vote
of the people, 43.
THOMAS, JOHN B.—Appeared, 4.
Qualified, 11.
TEACHERS' CONVENTION—Invited to visit the Conven-
tion, 380.
Report of Committee, 382.
Visit, 387.
, Memorial of, 389, 390.
Qualified, 11.
TOADVINE, STEPHEN P.—Appointed Committee Clerk,
Allowed leave of absence, 295.
TOBACCO INSPECTORS—-Order of inquiry into expedien-
cy of altering time wben they shall enter on dis-
charge of their duties, 57—See The Constitution,
this volume, Article II, Executive Department, 723.
TREASURER—(See Treasury Department—State Treasurer.
TREASURY DEPARTMENT—Order to appoint Standing
Committee on the, 15, 20.
Committee appointed, 27.
Order of inquiry into expediency of electing
State Treasurer by the people, 78.