On Public Works, (city of Baltimore,) 631, 632,
654, 655.
On New Counties, 654.
On all such parts of the present Constitutions as
have not been refer red to any other Committee, 664,
On Department of Labor and Agriculture, 624.
On Education, 625,
On the Appointment, Tenure of Office, &c,
637, 638, 705.
Respecting Future Amendments to the Con-
stitution, 639, 640.
Upon Public Works, 706.
Notice by Mr. Lee to appoint Committee Clerk
in place of Mr. Meginnis, resigned, 515.
Order to appoint, 568; William Harwood ap-
pointed, 569.
Order to recommit to the Committee for final
arrangement the several Articles of the Constitu-
tion as passed by the Convention, 569; reported
709, 710.
Order that Committee on Accounts allow Clerk
of Revision a reasonable sum for time employed
after the adjournment, 704.
RICHARDSON, F. A.—Committee on Accounts to pay him.
for his services as reporter, 674, 675, 676, 677
RIDER, THOMAS F. J.—Appeared, 4
Qualified, 11.
RIGGS, OF R, SAMUEL—Appeared, 4.
Qualified, 11.
RITCHIE, ALBERT—Appeared, 4.
Qualified, 11.
Qualified, 11.
Detained from his seat by sickness, 384.
ROADS—See Agriculture and Public Roads.
ROBERTS, WM. H.—And others, memorial relating to
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, 213.