BAGBY, G. W.—Use of Hall granted him to lecture, 162
BALTIMORE CITY—List of Delegates to the Convention, 6.
Comptroller of, to report amounts levied 1866
on account of Orphans' Court, 17,18; reported, 30.
Clerks of the several Courts to furnish informa-
tion relative to revenue of offices, each source of
revenue, and expenses of office, 35; reported from
Clerk of Court of Common Pleas, 92, 93; Clerk
of Criminal Court, 183, 184; Clerk of Circuit
Court, 207, 208; Clerk of Superior Court, 264,
265, 266, 267.
Clerk of Circuit Court, showing number of suits
instituted, tried and determined, &c., &c., 75.
Order that Committee on Public Works and
Corporations obtain information from officers.
&c., 103.
That Comptroller report amount of fees paid
for cases removed to Baltimore County, and to
whom paid, 120; reported, 147.
Memorials of sundry citizens relative to the
election of Mayor and City Council, 196, 213,
232, 253, 285, 293.
Order that Committee on Public Works and
Corporations inquire into proceedings of Mayor
and City Council, particularly as to endorsement
of Union Railroad bonds and electing new City
Hall, 219, 226, 232; reported, 538, 539, 540,
541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548.
Baltimore City Courts—Delegation permitted
to retire to consider 27th Section, Part IV, Ju-
diciary Department.
See Judiciary Department, Public Works and
Corporations. See the Constitution, this vol., 713.
BALTIMORE COUNTY—List of Delegates to the Con-
vention, 6.
Clerk of Circuit Court to furnish information
relative to aggregate revenues of offices, each
source of revenue, expenses of office, 35; re-
ported, 91.