To report aggregate amount of assessable prop-
erty, 72; reported, 167, 168.
To report amount paid on account of Registra-
tion of Voters, 135; reported, 165.
ALVEY, R. H.—Appeared, 4.
Qualified, 11.
ALEXANDRIA CITY—Order to enter on the Journal mem-
orial in relation to the Chesapeake and Ohio
Canal Company, 316, 317.
TION—Order to appoint Standing Committee on,
15; Committee appointed, 28.
Report of Committee, 349, 350.
Proceedings on, order to engross, reported with
amendments, 639, 640.
Proceedings on, passed, 640, 641—See the
Constitution, this volume, Article XIV, 761.
AMERICAN'S GUIDE—(Constitutions of the United States
and the States,) orders to purchase copies, 13, 14.
AMXANDER, TH.—Rector, letter from, inviting Conven-
tion to attend course of lectures at St. Mary's
Church, 177.
ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY—List of Delegates to the Con-
vention, 6.
Clerk of Circuit Court to furnish information
of aggregate sources of revenue of office, each
source of revenue, expenses of office, 35.
Clerk of Commissioners to furnish statement at
amount of levy for State's Attorney, 36; report-
ed, 70.
Of Circuit Court, of number of Indictments,
&c., 17, 18,36; reported, 306.
Clerk of Commissioners to report amount of
levy for Orphans' Courts, 17,18; reported, 36.
To report amounts levied and paid to Circuit
Court Clerks from 1852 to 1866, 42; reported, 70,
To report amounts levied to Public Schools, 44 ;
reported, 70.
To report aggregate amount of assessableprop-
erty, 72; reported, 91.