ACCOUNTS—Title of Committee on Claims changed to Com-
mittee on Accounts, 79, 80—See Claims.
Motion that Committee pay George W. Moore,
for hoisting flag, 51.
Order that Committee pay S. T, Hubert for
certain services, 150.
That Committee inquire by whose orders room
is being fitted up for theuse of Revising Clerk, and
what is to be his compensation, 168.
Motion of inquiry what salary is paid to Revi-
sing Clerk, and what are his duties, and if he has
appointed au Assistant, 179.
Report on mileage, 181, 182.
Report relative to Revising Clerk, 186, 187.
Report on Sundry Accounts for fitting up the
Hall, &c., 239,240,295, 296.
Committee to report how many Committee
Clerks ought to be retained, 429; reported, 455.
To pay expenses of Sub-Committee of Public
Works and Corporations, 437.
To pay Chaplains each $100.
To pay F. A. Richardson and E. Fulton for
their services as Reporters, 6T4, 675.