several Counties of this State, on the Tuesday next after the
first Monday in the month of November, eighteen hundred
and sixty-seven, and on the same day in every second year
thereafter. Their number in each County, tbeir compensation,
powers and duties, shall be such as are now or may be here-
after prescribed by Law.
Sec, 2. The qualified voters of each County, and of the
City of Baltimore, shall, on the Tuesday next after the first
Monday in the month of November, in the year eighteen
hundred and sixty-seven, and on the same day in every second
year thereafter, elect a Surveyor for each County and the
City of Baltimore, respectively, whose term of office, shall
commence on the first Monday of January next ensuing their
election; and whose duties and compensation shall be the
same as are now, or may hereafter be prescribed by Law.
And any vacancy in the office of Suryeyor shall be filled by
the Commissioners of the Counties, or by the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore, respectively, for the residue of the
Sec. 3. The State Librarian shall be appointed by the
Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate,
and shall hold his office during the term of the Governor by
whom he shall have been appointed, and until his successor
shall be appointed and qualified. His salary shall be fifteen
hundred dollars a year; and he shall perform such duties as
are now, or may hereafter be prescribed by Law; and no
appropriation shall be made by Law to pay for any Clerk, or
assistant to the Librarian; and it shall be the duty of the
Legislature, at its first session after the adoption of this Con-
stitution, pass a Law regulating the mode and manner in
which the hooks in the Library shall be kept and accounted
for by the Libiarian, and requiring the Librarian to give
a bond, in suck penalty as the Legislature may prescribe,
for the proper discharge of his duties.
Sec. 4. There shall be a Commissioner of the Land Office,
who shall be appointed by the Governor, by and with the
advice of and consent of the Senate, who shall hold his office
during the term of the Governor by whom he shall have
been appointed, and until his successor shall be appointed
and qualified. He shall perform such duties as are now
required of the Commissioner of the Land Office, or such as
may hereafter be prescribed by Law, and shall also be the
Keeper of the Chancery Records. He shall receive the salary
of one thousand five hundred dollars per annum, to be paid
out of the Treasury, and shall charge such fees as are now,
or may be hereafter fixed by Law. He shall make a semi-
annual report of all the fees of his office, both as Commis-
sioner of the Land Office, and as Keeper of the Chancery