Sec. 41. There shall be a Register of Wills in each County
of the State, and the City of Baltimore, to be elected by the
legal and qualified voters of said Counties and City, respec-
tively, who shall hold his office for six years from the time of
his election, and until his successor is elected and qualified ;
he shall be re-eligible, and subject at all times to removal
for wilful neglect of duty, or misdemeanor in office in the
same manner that the Clerks of the Courts are removable.
In the event of any vacancy in the office of Register of Wills,
said vacancy shall be filled by the Judges of the Orphans'
Court in which such vacancy occurs, until the next general
election for Delegates to the General Assembly, when a Reg-
ister shall be elected to serve for six years thereafter.
Sec. 42. The Governor, by and with the advice and con-
sent of the Senate, shall appoint such number of Justices of
the Peace, and the County Commissioners of the several Coun-
ties, and the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, respec-
tively, shall appoint such number of Constables, for the sev-
eral Election Districts of the Counties, and Wards of the
City of Baltimore, as are now, or may hereafter be prescribed
by Law; and Justices of the Peace and Constables, so ap-
pointed, shall be subject to removal by the Judge, or Judges,
having criminal jurisdiction, in the County, or City, for in-
competency, wiliul neglect of duty, or misdemeanor in office,
on conviction in a Court of Law. The Justices of the Peace
and Constables, so appointed, and commissioned, shall be
Conservators of the Peace, shall hold their office for two-
years, and shall have such jurisdiction, duties and compensa-
tion, subject to such right of appeal, in all cases, from the
judgment of Justices of the Peace, as hath been heretofore
exercised, or shall be hereafter prescribed by Law,
Sec. 43. In the event of a vacancy in the office of a Justice
of the Peace, the Governor shall appoint a person to serve
as Justice of the Peace, for the residue of the term; and in
case of a vacancy in the office of Constable, the County Com-
missioners of the County in which the vacancy occurs, or
the Major and City Council of Baltimore, as the case may
be, shall appoint a person to serve as Constable for the resi-
due of the term.
Sec. 44. There shall be elected in each County, and in the
City of Baltimore, in every second year, one person, resident