ART. 34. That a long continuance in the Executive De-
partments of power, or trust, is dangerous to liberty; a
rotation, therefore, in those Departments, is one of the best
securities of permanent freedom.
ART. 35. That no person shall hold, at the same time,
more than one office of profit, created by the Constitution or
Laws of this State; nor shall any person in public trust
receive any present from any foreign Prince or State, or from
the United States, or any of them, without the approbation
of this State.
ART. 36. That as it is the duty of every man to worship
God in such manner as he thinks most acceptable to him,
all persons are equally entitled to protection in their religions
liberty; wherefore, no person ought, by any Law, to be mo-
lested in his person or estate, on account of his religions
persuasion, or profession, or for his religious practice, unless
under the color of religion he shall disturb the good order,
peae or safety of the State, or shall infringe the Laws of
morality, or injure others in their natural, civil or religious
rights, nor ought any person to be compelled to frequent, or
maintain, or contribute, unless on contract, to maintain any
place of worship, or any ministry; nor shall any person,
otherwise competent, be deemed incompetent, as a witness,
or juror, on account of his religious belief; provided, he
believes in the existence of God, and that, under His dispen-
sation, such person will be held morally accountable for Ms
acts, and be rewarded or punished therefor, either in this
world, or the world to come.
ART. 37. That no religious test ought ever to be required
as a qualification for any office of profit or trust, in this
State, other than a declaration of belief in the existence of
God; nor shall the Legislature prescribe any other oath of
office than the oath prescribed by this Constitution.
ART. 38. That every gift, sale or devise of land, to any
Minister, Public Teacher or Preacher of the Gospel, as sucb,
or to any Religious Sect, Order or Denomination, or to, or
for the support, use or benefit of, or in trust for any Minister,
Public Teacher or Preacher of the Gospel, as such, or any
Religious Sect, Order or Denomination, and every gift, or
sale of goods, or chattels, to go in succession, or to take
place after the death of the Seller or Donor, to or for such
support, use or benefit, and also every devise of goods, pr
chattels to or for the support or benefit of any Minister, Public
Teacher or Preacher of the Gospel, as such, or any Religious
Sect, Order or Denomination, without the prior, or subsequent
sanction of the Legislature, shall be void; except always,
any sale, gift, lease, or devise of any quantity of land, not