and impartial manner with which he has discharged the
temporary duties of the Chair ;
Which was unanimously adopted.
Mr. Stoddert submitted the following order :
Ordered, That the thanks of this Convention are tendered
to the Hon. Robert Ford, for the able and impartial manner
in which he has discharged the duties of temporary presid-
ing officer ;
Which was unanimously adopted.
Mr. Garey submitted the following order :
Ordered, That the thanks of this body be and arc hereby
tendered to the Hon. E. G. Kilbourn, for the dignity and
ability with which he has discharged the duties of temporary
Chairman ;
Which was unanimously adopted.
Mr. Lee, Chairman of the Committee upon Revision and
Compilation, submitted the following Report, accompanied
by the Constitution, as a whole :
The Committee on Revision and Compilation, to which,
under the order of the Convention of August 7th, were re-
committed the Articles of the Constitution severally passed
by the Convention, with instructions to arrange and compile
the same in the order they ought to be, to form the entire
Constitution, has performed the duty assigned to it, and
arranged the said several Articles in the following order :
1. Declaration of Rights.
2. Article I—Elective Franchise.
3. Article II—Executive Department.
4. Article III—Legislative Department.
5. Article IV—Judiciary Department.
6. Article V—Attorney General.
7. Article VI—Treasury Department.
8. Article VII—Sundry Officers.
9. Article VIII—Education.
10. Article IX—Militia and Military Affairs.
11. Article X—Labor and Agriculture.
12. Article XI—City of Baltimore.
13. Article XII—Public Works.
14. Article XIII—New Counties.
15. Article XIV—Amendments to the Constitution.
16. Article XV—Miscellaneous.