The Article "Miscellaneous," being then upon a third
On motion of Mr. Carter,
The Article was opened for amendment,
When Mr. Carter, from Committee upon Revision and Com-
pilation, submitted the following
The Committee on Revision and Compilation, recommends
that the 9th Section of the Article entitled "Miscellaneous,"
be reconsidered, and that the following be substituted there-
for :
" The term of office of all Judges and other officers for
whose election provision is made by this Constitution, shall,
except in cases otherwise expressly provided herein, com-
mence from the time of their election; all such officers shall
qualify as soon after their election as practicable, and shall
enter upon the duties of their respective offices immediately
upon their qualification; and the term of office of the State
Librarian and of the Commissioner of the Land Office, shall
commence from the time of their appointment."
Respectfully submitted,
J. F. LEE,
Which was adopted.
The Article "Miscellaneous," as amended,
Was then read a third time, and passed by yeas and nays
as follows :
Messrs. George, Mitchell,
Alvey, Giddings, Motter,
Archer, Gill, Murray,
Austin, Goldsborough, D. Nicolai,
Barnes, Goldsborough, T. Page,
Barry, Groome, Parker,
Bateman, Hammond, Parran, Chas. S.
Bell, Hardcastle, Parran, John,
Brent, Hayden, Peters,
Brewer, of Mont. Hodson, Pleasants,
Brooke, Hollyday, Pole,
Brown, Howard, Rennolds,
Buchanan, Howison, Rider,
Carter, Hubbard, Riggs,
Chambers, Ireland, Ringgold,.