The Convention met.
Present at the call of the roll the following members :
Messrs. Carmichael, (President,) Alvey, Archer, Barnes,
Barry, Bell, Brent, Brewer, of Baltimore City, Brewer, of
Montgomery, Brown, Buchanan, Carter, Cover, Cunning-
ham, Devries, Dobbin, Dorsey, Farnandis, Franklin, Galt,
Garey, George, Giddings, Gill, Groome, Hardcastle, Hay-
den, Hoblitzell, Hodson, Howison, Hubbard, Jamison, Jan-
vier, Jones, Keating, Kennedy, Longwell, Manro, Marbury,
Maulsby, McKaig, McMaster, McPherson, Merrick, Mitchell,
Morris, Motter, Murray, Nelson, Nicolai, Page, Parker, C. S.
Parran, John Parran, Perry, Peters, Pole, Riggs, Ring-
gold, Ritchie, Roman, Spates, Starr, Stoddert, Syester,
Tarr, of Caroline, Thomas, Toadvine, Vansant, Watkins, of
Montgomery, Wethered—71.
The Convention resumed the consideration of the morn-
ing's session,
Being the Report of the Committee upon the Judiciary
The question recurring upon the amendment submitted
by Mr. Ritchie, as a substitute for the 27th Section of said
Pending the consideration of which,
Mr. Maulsby moved that the Reports of the Majority and
Minority of the Committee on the Judiciary Department, on
Part IV of the Article reported by that Committee, entitled,
" Courts of Baltimore City," be referred to the Delegation
from the City of Baltimore, with instructions to report as
early as practicable a plan which shall embody the views
of their constituents, and with an earnest expression of the
hopes of the Convention that such plan be agreed on by the
entire Delegation.
The question recurring upon sustaining the motion sub-
mitted by Mr. Maulsby,
On motion of Mr. Page,
At 10 o'clock and 5 minutes, P. M., the Convention ad-